Izax is the final boss encounter in the Gods from the Machine operation. Izax was designed to surpass the Revan encounter in the number and complexity of mechanics and it lives up to that goal admirably.
Izax has six phases in Story Mode with complex mechanics that challenge individual skill and team coordination. The fight was considered so challenging when first released in Story Mode that the dev team introduced the 30 second cooldown on combat revives prior to it being expanded to all operations in 6.0. As currently tuned as of mid-2021, Izax is a reasonable challenge to less experienced players but is clearable by all groups as long as they execute a few key mechanics.
Izax in Veteran Mode adds several mechanics to each phase of the encounter and adds a final phase absent from Story Mode. Tank coordination, team positioning and communication are key to complete this challenging encounter.
Table of Contents
Detailed Walkthrough - STORY MODE
Kill Video & Video Guide
Izax Story Mode Kill Video
Izax Story Mode Guide
Strategy - Story Mode
The Izax encounter has six distinct phases in Story Mode plus several transition phases. Each phase has several distinct mechanics though some carry over between phases.
The most important mechanic for new players to understand is Induction Cascade. The majority of wipes to Izax in Story Mode are caused by players failing to recognize they get Cascade Induction and move the AoE out of the group.
The majority of other key mechanics in Story Mode can be completed by one or two players, so having a few experienced players can make the fight much easier for other players who may be overwhelmed by the number and variety of mechanics in this fight.
Team leaders explaining this fight should try to learn as much as possible about the mechanics but I recommend NOT trying to comprehensively explain the encounter. There are simply too many mechanics to learn (just see the full list of mechanics at the bottom of the page). Try to focus on one or two mechanics to remember for each phase and otherwise just explain and call out instructions as you go. The most difficult phase for most groups will be Phase 2.
Group Composition
A traditional group composition works great for Izax in Story Mode. Solo tanking Izax is doable for 8 person groups as long as the tank has some experience with the fight, though otherwise it may be ideal to have a second tank just in case as there is no DPS check in Izax in Story Mode. 16 person groups should have two tanks due to a slight change in Izax’s behavior.
Pre-Fight Preparation
The key points to discuss before the fight are as follows:
Induction Cascade: Make sure everyone understands the Induction Cascade mechanic, how to spot it, where to go if they get it and to be ready to use a defensive cooldown for its heavy damage. The key is to get out of the group.
Phase 1 positioning: Positioning is important during Phase 1 to avoid the group getting cleaved or getting punted to their death when the phase ends.
Phase 2 mechanics: Discuss the strategy to destroy the Anchor and Tether droids, how to deal with Hull Cutters and how to group in the middle until Izax’s shield comes down.
Phase 6 explosion: Most groups can talk about Phases 3-5 as they get to them and skip to talking about the end of the fight and how to survive the big explosion. Make sure the group knows where to stand on the far platforms to not take damage from the electrified railing.
Strategy Key Points
The strategy for the Izax encounter has the following key points:
Take Induction Cascade out of the group.
Take Induction Cascade out of the group.
Take Induction Cascade out of the group.
Most groups are at least 75% of the way to a clear when they correctly handle Induction Cascade. There are a LOT of mechanics in the fight and that is the only one that EVERY player must understand.
The fight strategy can be summarized by phase as follows:
Phase 1 (100 - 96%) - The group is trapped inside the Deflect Shield. The tank should begin the fight and stand on the opposite side of the shield. The rest of the group should stand on the opposite side to avoid Izax’s cleave attack. Everyone should stand as close to the middle as possible without being cleaved. The player with Induction Cascade should move to the side railing away from the group.
Phase 2 (96 - 84%) - The team must quickly destroy the Anchor Drone to avoid massive AoE damage, then destroy the Electro Tether Droid so it stops stunning players. Players must aim the Energy Drone’s blue beam to hit an Amplifier Drone then aim its red beam to hit Izax to bring down its shield. All players attack Izax when it's shield is down. Repeat this cycle until Izax is pushed. Players with Induction Cascade should move out of the group.
Phase 3 (84 - 64%) - The team should group up in the middle and heal to full. Izax will blast the team with it’s Omnicannon and deal 70-80% of unavoidable damage. The team should then destroy the Electro Tether Droids and attack Izax. The team should interrupt Izax as often as possible as if Izax reaches 100 stacks of Omnicannon charge then the group will wipe. The team can trigger the tower to the side of Izax to deal 6% damage and reset Izax’s Omnicannon stacks but will need to defeat more Electro Tether Droids. The team can trigger towers 2 more times but additional steps are necessary to power it. Players with Induction Cascade should move out of the group.
Phase 4 (64 - 30%) - The non-tank players should attack Izax while standing inside the Augment Droid’s purple circle. Tanks should stand outside the group to drop blue puddles away from other players. DPS should destroy the Hull Cutters when they spawn. Players with Induction Cascade should move out of the group. All players should avoid standing on the metal railing for the rest of the fight.
Phase 5 - The team must survive four waves of Missile Volley from Izax. Each wave consists of 8 missiles in a 3x3 grid with one position safe. The missiles are telegraphed by large orange circles so players should find the safe spot to avoid damage.
Phase 6 (120 seconds) - The team must survive for two minutes and keep the Gemini Droid intact as well. DPS should destroy Electro Tether Droids that spawn from the corner towers. All players should avoid the green orbs that float across the room and avoid orange circles noting Missile Volley attacks from Izax. A player with a Tether should pull the Gemini Droid away from green orbs and orange circles.
Explosion - The team should move onto the corner platforms out of the giant orange circle and hit defensive cooldowns to survive the damage. Standing in the circle platform on the front middle of the tower will avoid damage from the electrified railing. Only one player needs to survive the explosion to clear the encounter.
Detailed Strategy
Phase 0 - Starting the Fight
The team starts the fight by having a player click the Start Encounter button and completing the Start Encounter 5 second cast.
The team should be positioned with the tank(s) on one side of the shield and the rest of the team on the other side. This positioning is key to avoid cleaves. Players should avoid being too close to the railing because the knockback that ends the phase will kill players who get punted over the side.
Start Encounter
Temporary ability available to players to begin the Izax encounter. Clicking it begins a 5 second cast that initiates combat upon its completion. Moving interrupts the cast and will not begin the encounter.
Example of the cast that accompanies Start Encounter
Phase 1 - Inside the Deflector Shield (Izax 100% - 96%)
Phase 1 is a simple introductory phase with a few basic mechanics. The main purpose of the phase is to introduce players to Induction Cascade.
The tank stands on one side of the shield so Izax cleaves that side, while everyone else stands on the opposite side. The player who gets Induction Cascade moves out of the group. The boss pushes to the next phase at 96% and punts everyone out of the shield.
Phase 1 Positioning
The team should be positioned with the tank(s) on one side of the shield and the rest of the team grouped together on the opposite side. The ideal angle is for the tank to be about one-third of the way around the shield on one side with the rest of the group in a similar position on the opposite side.
This positioning is important due to the knockback when the phase ends. Standing too close to the rail can cause player deaths by getting kicked off the platform.
Good positioning for Phase 1 as the fight begins
Phase 1 Positioning - Swipe & Germicidal Radiation Field
When the fight begins, Izax begins using Swipe on the player with aggro and activates the Germicidal Radiation Field.
Swipe cleaves two-thirds of the platform aimed towards the tank’s side of the platform, which is why no one else should stand with the tank(s). Swipe applies a debuff that increases damage taken. The debuff is not dangerous to tanks but non-tanks will struggle to survive repeated cleaves.
Izax fixes its aim for Swipe a second or so before it attacks, so it is possible to swap sides and dodge the attack. This strategy is difficult and not necessary for Story Mode, and it may also lead to cleaving the group.
Tank(s) should stay on their side of the room and use high threat attacks and taunts to ensure Izax continues to cleave their side of the platform.
The yellow AoE near Izax represents the Germicidal Radiation Field. Standing in it applies a damage debuff that increases damage taken. No player should stand in the field in Story Mode.
Swipe (ability)
Melee Vulnerability (debuff)
Swipe is Izax’s cleave attack that covers two-thirds of the floor. Any player hit by Swipe gains a stack of Melee Vulnerability that lasts 15 seconds and increases damage taken by 15% per stack up to 6 stacks.
Germicidal Radiation Field (ability)
Accumulated Radiation (debuff)
The Germicidal Radiation Field is the yellow AoE in front of Izax. Standing in the AoE applies stacks of Accumulated Radiation that increase damage taken by 25% per stack up to 10 stacks.
Positioning for non-tanks just outside Swipe and the Germicidal Radiation Field
Induction Cascade
The primary purpose of Phase 1 is to introduce players to the Induction Cascade mechanic. This mechanic continues through the next several phases of the encounter and Phase 1 is ideal to see it and how it works. The mechanic has 4 parts.
Izax begins with a 1 second cast of Induction Cascade. The targeted player then receives the Induction Cascade debuff.
The Induction Cascade debuff has two phases. The first phase lasts for 5 seconds and increases movement speed to 160% but does not deal damage. This phase allows players to identify they have the debuff and move out of the group.
After 5 seconds, the second phase begins. The second phase of Induction Cascade lasts for 8 seconds and ticks for heavy AoE damage every second. The player is also debuffed during this phase and outgoing damage is reduced by 100%.
The strategy for Induction Cascade in Phase 1 is the targeted player moves to the railing out of the group. Leaving Induction Cascade in the group will usually wipe the group.
The debuffed player will need heavy heals while taking damage. The player should avoid using any offensive abilities except as necessary to maintain stacks or buffs, since they deal no damage during Induction. The player should generally use a defensive cooldown to help mitigate the damage.
Once Induction ends, the player gets the Induction Rebound buff and should rejoin the group and use heavy hitting abilities to maximize the damage buff. Induction Rebound buffs damage by 100% to offset the lack of outgoing damage during Induction Cascade.
Induction Cascade (ability)
Induction Cascade (debuff)
Induction Cascade is a 1 second ability by Izax that applies the Induction Cascade debuff to the targeted player.
The Induction Cascade debuff ticks for 5 seconds and deals no damage but increases movement speed to 160% of normal. After 5 seconds, Induction Cascade ticks for AoE damage every second for 8 seconds and reduces outgoing damage by 100%.
After Induction Cascade ends the player receives Induction Rebound.
Induction Rebound
Induction Rebound is applied after Induction Cascade ends and increases damage dealt by 100% for 8 seconds.
Induction Positioning in Phase 1
Power Slam & Binding Shockwave
Midway through Phase 1 Izax will use the Power Slam ability. This attack is an AoE that is telegraphed by a large orange circle. All players take damage from Power Slam but take more damage inside the AoE.
Power Slam applies the Binding Shockwave debuff that immobilizes the players for 3 seconds. The ability can be purged with a stun break ability but is not dangerous in Story Mode.
Power Slam (ability)
Binding Shockwave (debuff)
Power Slam is a scripted attack used by Izax during Phase 1 that deals damage and deals extra damage within its AoE. Power Slam applies the Binding Shockwave debuff to all players that immobilizes for 3 seconds. This effect can be purged with a stun break ability.
Power Slam telegraph
Power Slam impact dealing damage and applying debuff
Deflector Pulse - Transition to Phase 2
Izax triggers Deflector Pulse to end Phase 1 when it reaches 96% of its maximum health. Deflector Pulse is a 1 second cast and knocks the players back a significant distance.
Positioning as recommended in this guide should ensure all players survive the knockback. Any players too close to the rail may die, though if you are right against the rail there is a chance you hit the communications tower and bounce back onto the platform. Any player standing out for Induction is at particular risk of death.
Deflector Pulse
1 second cast ability that knocks the players out of the Deflector Shield and ends Phase 1.
Deflector Pulse in Phase 1 (don't get knocked off the platform)
Phase 2 - Too Many Droids (Izax 96% - 84%)
Phase 2 is the most difficult phase of the Izax encounter for most groups. The phase has a predictable cycle of mechanics that repeat until Izax reaches 84% and the group moves to Phase 3.
The pattern has the team run into a large white circle and then must quickly destroy an Anchor Drone to avoid taking massive AoE damage. An Electro Tether Drone must then be destroyed.
At that point, one or more players must complete a mechanic of kiting energy beams between droids to damage Izax and take down its shield so it can be damaged directly. Each time the shield is taken down Izax will reset the phase and it must be repeated again to bring down the shield another time. This cycle repeats until the boss is pushed.
Induction Cascade goes out during Phase 2 beginning after the Anchor Drone is destroyed and must be taken out of the group.
Izax also begins targeting the tank(s) with blue puddle AoEs that must be kited away from the group. Hull Cutter droids also spawn and are annoying and possess super high AOE DR so must be destroyed with single target attacks or spreading DoTs.
Anchor Drone & Tether Drone
The first mechanic is a large white circle that appears in one quadrant of the platform. The group should move inside the circle and wait for the circle-within-a-circle to shrink down to nothing. An Anchor Drone will spawn in the middle of the circle and an Electro Tether Drone will spawn midway between the Anchor Drone and the corner ramp.
Any players outside the Anchor Drone's circle will be pulled in and all players will be unable to leave the circle until the Anchor Drone is destroyed.
The team must destroy the Anchor Drone within about 10 seconds to avoid taking huge group damage. The mechanic involves Izax trying to target the group with Saturation Volley while the Anchor Drone holds the group in place, but is unable to target the group once the droid is destroyed.
After the Anchor Drone is destroyed the team should destroy the Electro Tether Droid. The Tether mechanic is very dangerous. Destroying an Electro Tether Droid leaves a white circle on the ground that lets a player pick up the Tether device.
Saturation Volley
10 cast ability by Izax that targets the group with a large orange AoE attack. The ability is centered on the Anchor Drone and deals very high group damage if the Anchor Drone is not destroyed when the cast ends.
Anchoring Field
Circular field projected around the Anchor Drone that prevents players from moving more than 15 meters away from it. Moving outside the field will deal damage and pull the player back into the Anchoring Field.
Magnetic Tether
10 second channeled ability by the Electro Tether Droid that stuns the targeted player for its duration. The ability can be interrupted by another player or can be broken by the stunned player using a stun break ability.
Temporary ability granted by destroying an Electro Tether Droid and walking through the circle left behind it. Using the ability pulls the tethered target to your location but can change contextually depending on the target.
Screenshot of Anchor Drone, Electro Techer Drone and white circle just as droids appear
An example of the Saturation Volley orange circle and droid positioning again
Close-up of the white circle left by the Electro Tether Droid that lets you pick up a Tether device
Bringing Down Izax's Shield - Energy Drone and Amplifier Drone
The most difficult part of Phase 2 is bringing down Izax’s shield. Izax uses its Deflector Shield again in this phase except now the team is outside and needs to get through it to damage Izax.
The only way to bring down the shield is by hitting Izax with a charged Amplified Energy Beam. The Amplifier Drone uses this attack and can be aimed at Izax after it is charged. The Amplifier Drone can be charged by aiming the Energy Drone’s Energy Beam at it to add stacks of Energy Charge.
Both Energy Drones and Amplifier Drones fire automatically. Each Energy Beam adds 1 stack of Energy Charge if it hits an Amplifier Drone. Each Amplified Energy Beam discharges all stacks of Energy Charge on the Amplifier Drone at that time. The Amplifier can hold up to 4 stacks of Energy Charge at a time and the most stacks the more damage is done to Izax by the Amplified Energy Beam. Reaching 5 stacks of Energy Charge will destroy the Amplifier Drone.
So what is the best way to bring down the shield? There are many solutions but here is the simplest and easiest for most players.
At the corners of the platform on either side of Izax is an Energy Drone and an Amplifier Drone. Get aggro on the Energy Drone and point its blue Energy Beam at the Amplifier Drone. As soon as the blue beam begins targeting you swap your attacks to the Amplifier Drone to grab its aggro. Hit the Amplifier Drone with the Energy Beam then aim the Amplified Energy beam at Izax.
Tanks can handle this mechanic very easily by leaping to the Amplifier Drone and using an AoE taunt to grab aggro on both drones. DPS with taunts can taunt the Energy Drone then immediately begin attacking the Amplifier to get aggro on both. Another option is have a buddy go with you and each get aggro and aim a drone.
Deflector Shield
Buff applied to Izax during Phase 2 that prevents players dealing damage to Izax. Shield can only be broken by Amplified Energy Beam from the Amplifier drones.
Energy Beam
4s cast ability by the Energy Drone that fires an energy beam at the player with aggro. Energy Beam has an 8 second cooldown. Any Amplifier Drone hit by an Energy Beam gains 1 stack of Energy Charge.
Energy Charge
Energy Charge is a stackable buff applied to Amplifier Drones when they are hit by either an Energy Beam or an Amplified Energy Beam. Energy Charge stacks are all removed by the next firing of Amplified Energy Beam. If the Amplifier Drone reaches 5 stacks of Energy Charge it will be destroyed.
Amplified Energy Beam
4 second cast beam attack fired by the Amplifier Drone. Amplified Energy Beam has a 5 second cooldown. Amplified Energy Beam discharges all stacks of Energy Charge and deals damage that scales with the number of stacks.
In Story Mode, the Amplified Energy Beam can break Izax's Deflector Shield with 1 stack of Energy Charge.
Example of using Energy Drone and Amplifier Drone to bring down Izax's shield
Bringing Down Izax's Shield - Feedback Overload
The Amplified Energy Beam damages Izax based on the number of Energy Charge stacks consumed when it hits Izax. Each charge deals 2-3% of Izax’s maximum health.
The Amplifier Energy Beam also applies the Feedback Overload debuff that stuns Izax for 15 seconds and increases the damage taken by Izax by 200%.
Only 1 stack of Energy Charge is necessary to bring down the Deflector Shield in Story Mode. Coordinating to add additional stacks before blasting Izax can shorten the phase by only requiring a single beam to push the phase. The team needs to reduce Izax’s health by 12% to push the phase, so a 3 stack beam is likely to be enough with team damage and a 4 stack beam will nearly push Izax by itself.
Feedback Overload
15 second debuff applied to Izax when its shield is broken by Amplified Energy Beam. Izax is stunned and takes 200% more damage for its duration.en by Amplified Energy Beam. Izax is stunned and takes 200% more damage for its duration.
Other Mechanics
There are a few other things to note about Phase 2 involving tank positioning, adds and everyone’s favorite mechanic Induction Cascade!
Induction Cascade will go out regularly after the Anchor Drone goes down until Izax's shield is taken down. Watch for it and move out of the group.
The tank or player with aggro will be targeted by the Magnetar Plasma Cannon and should drop the blue circles away from the group.
Hull Cutter Droids spawn during the phase. DPS should destroy them until Izax's shield is taken down. The Hull Cutters have a Dampening Field buff that provides very high AoE damage resistance so stick to single target damage and DoT spreading.
Induction Cascade
Induction Cascade is still a thing in this phase! Watch for it and move out of the group and hit a defensive cooldown if you get it. See Phase 1 for more details on this mechanic.
Magnetar Plasma Cannon
Attack ability by Izax on the player with aggro. The attack has a 3 second cooldown and leaves a blue AoE puddle that lasts for 18 seconds and deals AoE damage to any player inside it.
Example of the blue AoE left by the Magnetar Plasma Cannon
Dampening Field
Buff applied permanently to every Hull Cutter droid that applies AoE damage reduction of 75% in Story Mode.
Screenshot of the Hull Cutter Droids
Phase 3 - Interrupt, Interrupt, Who has the Interrupt? (Izax 84% - 64%)
Phase 3 is a very straightforward phase in Story Mode. Many groups find it boring and too long after getting used to the mechanics and the endless interrupting. The overall goal is to prevent Izax from fully charging its Omnicannon and wiping the group.
The phase begins with Izax blasting the group with its Omnicannon. Afterwards, the team must destroy a few Electro Tether Droids then attack Izax itself. Izax has a shield barrier that prevents interrupts until sufficient damage is dealt to break the shield. The team can then interrupt Izax’s casts to charge the Omnicannon.
If Izax reaches 100 stacks of Omnicannon charge then it will wipe the group. The team should coordinate interrupts of casts. Induction Cascade goes out during this phase again so watch out.
If the team is unable to keep up with interrupts, they can blast Izax by overloading a communications tower adjacent to the boss. This damages Izax for around 6% of its maximum health but resets the mechanics with another wave of Electro Tether Drones and needing to break Izax’s shield. Towers can be used up to two more times but involve mechanics to charge them.
Izax pushes to Phase 4 when it reaches 64% health.
Phase 3 Transition - Omnicannon
The beginning of Phase 3 is a scripted damage mechanic that cannot be avoided or mitigated. Izax will cast Omnicannon and blast the entire group. The attack will damage each player for around 70-80% of each player’s maximum health.
The group should stack together to take this damage and let healers more easily heal the group back up during and after this mechanic.
Good positioning for this mechanic will be either in the middle of the room or just in front of Izax on whatever sides the boss spawns.
This Omnicannon blast is with 10 charges. The rest of the phase involves Izax attempting to charge its Omnicannon up to 100 stacks to wipe the group while the team attempts to interrupt Izax and overload its Omnicannon.
Izax's most powerful weapon attack, Omnicannon deals damage based on the number of charges. Izax fires its Omnicannon at the beginning of Phase 3 with 10 charges and deals around 80% of the team's maximum health. Omnicannon can otherwise only be fired with 100 charges and will wipe the group.
Screenshot of Omnicannon blast at beginning of Phase 3
Phase 3 Mechanics - Izax and Electro Tether Drones
The core mechanics of Phase 3 involve a cycle of mechanics that may repeat depending on whether the team overloads the communication array towards.
Izax will appear on a random side of the platform and blast the group with Omnicannon as noted above. Afterwards, two Electro Tether Droids will spawn in the middle of the room. The tank should try to AoE taunt if possible so they get stunned instead of a DPS, while DPS should immediately destroy the Electro Tether Droids. This is important to avoid players being stunned for long periods and in case Tether devices are needed for other mechanics.
Players should make sure to pick up the Tether devices dropped by the Electro Tether Droids.
Magnetic Tether
10 second channeled ability by the Electro Tether Droid that stuns the targeted player for its duration. It can be interrupted by players.
Temporary ability granted by destroying an Electro Tether Droid and walking through the circle left behind it. Using the ability pulls the tethered target to your location but can change contextually depending on the target.
Electro Tether Droids at beginning of Phase 3 (tank AoE taunted to get both)
Phase 3 Mechanics - Damaged Deflector Shield
After the Electro Tether Droids are destroyed, the team should attack Izax.
Izax begins with a Damaged Deflector Shield that appears as an orange shield animation. While this effect is up Izax cannot be interrupted and will continue to spam Charge Omnicannon. The shield will break after sufficient damage and then Izax can be interrupted.
Damaged Deflector Shield
Buff applied to Izax during Phase 3 that prevents players dealing damage to Izax. This shield can be broken after dealing sufficient damage. In Story Mode the Deflector Shield stays down once broken. If Izax is damaged by an Overloaded Communications Array the it will relocate and re-activate the Damaged Deflector Shield.
Izax with its Damage Deflector Shield active
Phase 3 Mechanics - Izax Mechanics to Interrupt
At this point the team only has to deal with two mechanics unless they need to reset Izax’s stacks.
Izax will spam Charge Omnicannon, a 2 second cast that builds 2 charges if not interrupted. Izax will wipe the group if it reaches 100 stacks. The team should coordinate as many interrupts as possible of these casts to slow the rate that Izax builds stacks. Voice comms are very helpful to call out “Merlyn has next interrupt” or something like that. Another option is to assign interrupts on a pattern through the ops frame, like top to bottom in the left column and then top to bottom in the right column.
Guardian / Juggernaut players are especially great in this phase to handle interrupts. If taking the utility that lets Force Leap reset the cooldown on the interrupt ability, a Guardian / Juggernaut can get 3 consecutive interrupts (Interrupt, back out of melee range, Force Leap for 2nd interrupt, then Interrupt another time). Two Guardian / Juggernaut players can handle all interrupts all by themselves.
Most teams will be okay missing some casts just make sure to interrupt them as often as possible. In particular, try to avoid letting Izax complete more than one cast at a time or it will spam cast and build stacks quickly.
If the group reaches around 70 stacks, I recommend they prepare to overload one of the communications array towers to damage Izax and reset its stacks.
Induction Cascade also goes out during this phase. Induction Cascade is the only source of damage after the Electro Tether Droids are destroyed so spreading out to avoid AoE should be very easy. Induction Cascade can also be interrupted.
The group moves to Phase 4 when Izax reaches 64% health.
Charge Omnicannon
2 second cast ability by Izax that adds charges of Omnicannon. In Story Mode, each successful cast of Charge Omnicannon adds 2 charges.
Induction Cascade
Induction Cascade is still a thing in this phase! Watch for it and move out of the group and hit a defensive cooldown if you get it. See Phase 1 for more details on this mechanic.
Izax health bar with Charge Omnicannon cast, 35 stacks
Phase 3 Mechanics - Overload Communications Array
If the team needs to reset Izax’s stacks of Omnicannon charge, wants to practice for Veteran Mode, or simply wants to make the phase go faster, they should use the communications array towers to damage Izax and reset its stacks.
This mechanic is initially simple but gets progressively more complicated with each wave up to 3 waves.
Each time the team blasts Izax by using Overload Communications Array, it damages Izax for around 6% of its maximum health and resets its stacks of Omnicannon charge. Izax will relocate, re-activate its Damaged Deflector Shield and summon more Electro Tether Droids. The team then must destroy the droids again and break the deflector shield to continue damaging and interrupting Izax.
The first time the team uses the tower it is very simple. One of the towers to the side of Izax will have a glowing button. Simply walk up to the tower and click the button to begin a 4 second cast to zap Izax.
Overload Communications Array
Players can click a button on a power Communications Array to activate a 4 second cast to trigger Overload Communications Array. This effect damages Izax for approximately 6% of its maximum health and causes it to relocate, re-activate its Damaged Deflector Shield and summon more Electro Tether Droids.
Button to click to Overload Communications Array and zap Izax
Phase 3 Mechanics - Overload multiple towers
To zap Izax a second time, the team must connect the now damaged communications array to another tower to power it up.
This connection is made using a Conductor Droid. The obelisk shaped object spawns in the middle of the room amidst the Electro Tether Droids.
A player with a Tether device should pull the Conductor Droid along the railing midway between the damaged tower and the one the team plans to use next.
A player with a Tether then runs onto the damaged tower and stands in the circular depression in the front of the tower platform. They should get the Conductor buff and a colored circle above their character’s head. An Orange circle appears when connecting to the damaged tower while a Blue circle appears when connecting to the undamaged tower.
Clicking the Tether while targeting the Conductor droid will connect it to that tower.
The player than runs to the tower they plan to use and repeats this process to connect the Conductor Droid to the tower. Once the damaged tower is connected to the undamaged tower, the button will glow blue and can be clicked to damage Izax again.
It is possible to zap Izax a third time though no groups should really need to do so in Story Mode.
Buff applied to player who stands on top of the connector node to the Communications Array. With this buff, players can use the Tether ability to connect Communications Arrays via the Conductor Droid.
Positioning to connect the Conductor Droid to a Communications Array
(you can see the Conductor buff on my bar at the bottom of the screenshot)
Connecting two towers with the Conductor Droid
Positioning to connect the Conductor Droid to a Communications Array
Phase 4 - Purple Orb (Izax 64% - 33%)
Phase 4 is another simple phase in Story Mode, although there are a lot more things happening in this phase in the background that become relevant in higher difficulties.
The overall goal for this phase is simply to damage Izax until it reaches 33% health and moves to the next phase.
The challenge to this phase is that Izax has a LOT of health and many waves of Hull Cutter Drones will spawn that can be challenging for healers. Induction Cascade will also go out regularly and the tank(s) will take damage from Izax and from its plasma cannon.
The key mechanic to this phase is the Augment Droid, which appears as a purple orb. The Augment Droid buffs the team’s damage significantly.
Energy Drones and Amplifier Drones return in this phase but can be ignored in Story Mode. Good positioning will cause them to automatically fire at Izax and damage it for 2-3% of its health with each shot.
Phase 4 Positioning - Optimized Augmentation & Magnetar Plasma Cannon
Phase 4 positioning is very straightforward. Except for the tank(s), the rest of the team should stack directly in front of the Augment Droid (purple orb) where they are between the Augment Droid and Izax. The team should avoid standing on the metal railing due to Electrical Overload (see below). The team should stay in this position unless a player gets Induction Cascade (see below), in which case they move out of the group and come back after that mechanic.
The tank(s) should NOT stand with the group. They should stand to one side around the edge or just outside the Augment Droid’s circle. They should use taunts regularly to hold aggro on Izax. Izax will target them with its Magnetar Plasma Cannon that leaves a blue circle on the ground. Tank(s) should move in a circular pattern to drop these circles outside the group while staying in range of your healers.
If a non-tank gets aggro and drops a blue circle on top of the group, everyone should move out of it immediately. If a blue puddle is dropped under the Augment Droid then use a Tether to reposition it.
Optimized Augmentation
Buff provided by the Augment Droid when it is powered up and online. In 8 person Story, the buff increases damage done by 200%. In 16 person Story Mode, the buff increases damage done by 160%.
In Story Mode, Optimized Augmentation is always online in proximity of the Augment Droid.
Magnetar Plasma Cannon
Attack ability by Izax on the player with aggro. The attack has a 3 second cooldown and leaves a blue AoE puddle that lasts for 18 seconds and deals AoE damage to any player inside it.
Positioning of Augment Drone, team in front of Augment Drone, and tank off to the side
Phase 4 Mechanics - Hull Cutters
Hull Cutter Drones will spawn in waves throughout Phase 4. They have the same Dampening Field AoE damage reduction as in Phase 2. The team should use single target attacks and spread DoT effects to kill them. Stay inside the Amplifier Drone’s purple circle to maintain the damage buff and destroy them quickly.
Tanks may use AoE taunts to grab aggro on the Hull Cutters if their damage becomes problematic. If so then ranged DPS should continue to burn them down, as melee DPS may have difficulty with uptime on the droids while avoiding the blue puddles.
Many groups can rely on DoT spread damage and the Augment Drone buff to quickly kill the Hull Cutters without players targeting them with direct attacks. However, if the healers begin to have difficulty keeping up or if droids are still up when the next wave spawns, all DPS should swap to the droids to kill them before swapping back to Izax. This phase is not a difficult DPS check so it is more important to avoid a wipe.
Dampening Field
Buff applied permanently to every Hull Cutter droid that applies AoE damage reduction of 75% in Story Mode.
Phase 4 Mechanics - Induction Cascade
Induction Cascade returns in this phase, though thankfully this is the final phase where players need to deal with this mechanic. A player who receives Induction Cascade should move out of the group, ideally to the opposite side of the Augment Drone as the tank kiting blue circles.
It is fine to move out of the purple circle if necessary to avoid clipping another player, since you will not deal any damage during Induction Cascade anyway. Make sure to move back in immediately to maximize the benefits of Induction Rebound though!
Induction Cascade
Induction Cascade is still a thing in this phase! Watch for it and move out of the group and hit a defensive cooldown if you get it. See Phase 1 for more details on this mechanic.
Player moved out of the group for Induction Cascade
(it is better to stay inside the purple circle if possible, though)
Phase 4 Mechanics - Electrical Overload
Beginning in Phase 4 and for the rest of the encounter in Story Mode, the metal railing and corner platforms are electrified by the Electrical Overload status effect. Standing on the electrified floor will cause the player to take periodic damage so avoid standing in those locations on the map for the rest of the encounter.
Electrical Overload
Beginning in Phase 4, the metal railing on the edges of the platform become electrified and deal periodic damage to any player standing on the railing. This includes the corner platforms.
Metal Railing under the effects of Electrical Overload from Phase 4 through the rest of the fight
Phase 5 - Master/Blaster Phase
Phase 5 is really a transition phase but it merits its own strategy discussion since it can be challenging for new groups and is arguably the most difficult phase in the encounter in Veteran Mode.
Phase 5 involves Izax flying around the platform and firing Missile Volley at the team. Those barrages take the form of 8 missiles targeting the platform in a 3x3 grid format with each missile having a large AoE. Since a 3x3 grid has 9 positions but only 8 missiles are fired, this means the “open” spot will be safe with a small area not overlapped by the incoming missiles.
Izax will fire four volleys as it flies one revolution around the platform, with a barrage coming once from each cardinal direction. These missiles can be spotted visually but in Story Mode the team can rely on orange telegraph circles to identify the safe location.
Speed boost individual and team abilities are very helpful in this phase to avoid damage. If a player takes damage from a missile they gain a painful debuff called Searing Plasma that nearly prevents any incoming healing for the rest of the phase. As such, most players will survive one missile attack if they cannot quite get to a safe location but most players will be killed if they fail to reach the safe location a second time.
The metal railing and corner platforms continue to be electrified so make sure only to stand on the main platform to avoid taking electrical damage, which can be fatal to a player with the Searing Plasma debuff.
Missile Volley
Izax flies around the perimeter of the platform and fires a volley of 8 missiles at the platform. The missiles fall in a 3x3 grid with one block open. Players hit by a missile take damage and gain a stack of Searing Plasma.
Searing Plasma
Stacking debuff applied by taking damage from Missile Volley. Each stack reduces healing received by 95% for 25 seconds and the effect can stack 10 times.
Electrical Overload
Beginning in Phase 4, the metal railing on the edges of the platform become electrified and deal periodic damage to any player standing on the railing. This includes the corner platforms.
View of a safe position on the opposite side
View of a safe position when close
View from a safe position
Phase 6 - Frogger Phase
Phase 5 is the “busiest” phase in the encounter with a lot of things happening at once and can be very confusing for newer players to the Gods operation. Thankfully the phase is very forgiving in Story Mode and does not really have a DPS or heal check and the primary goal is for the team to stay alive for two minutes and then survive a giant explosion.
The story basis for this phase is that Scyva has taken over a Gemini Droid and is hacking Izax to overload its Omnicannon and destroy the boss. Since the Gemini Droid is less advanced than Scyva’s body that you destroyed in the previous boss encounter, the Gemini Droid is unable to take any action or even move while hacking Izax. It falls on the team to keep the Gemini Droid alive for two minutes (120 seconds) and stay alive themselves.
If the Gemini Droid survives for two minutes and one player survives the giant explosion at the end, the encounter is cleared. DPS no longer matters very much from this point forward.
The overall team strategy for this fight is to divide and conquer with different players handling one or more of four distinct roles to deal with mechanics. The team needs a player (usually a tank) to handle mines, someone to pull the Gemini Droid out of trouble, a healer to focus on healing the group and Gemini Droid, and all other DPS destroy Electro Tether Droids when they spawn.
Phase 6 Mechanics - Repurpose Gemini Droid, Voice of Iokath & Surviving Phase 5
The most important mechanic for Phase 6 is the Voice of Iokath buff applied to the Repurposed Gemini Droid. This buff lasts for 120 seconds and serves as the timer for the phase. If the Gemini Droid is destroyed then Izax will wipe the group. If the Gemini Droid survives for 120 seconds then Izax will explode and the encounter will end.
I highly recommend players focus target the Gemini Droid to keep an eye on this debuff as it counts down. For example, the screenshot below shows the Gemini Droid with around 40 seconds left on the buff.
What things can damage the Gemini Droid?
Izax will target the Gemini Droid with Missile Volley. Players can Tether the Gemini Droid out of Missile Volley to avoid this damage most of the time.
Mines will spawn on the side of the platform and move towards the Gemini Droid and explode to deal AoE damage. Players can Tether the mines off the platform to safely destroy them.
Energy Balls will spawn on the side of the platform and float across the platform dealing damage to anything they contact. Players can Tether the Gemini Droid out of the way of the Energy Balls.
Electro Tether Droids will spawn in waves with one from each corner. They will target the Gemini Droid and tether it in place. If this happens then the Gemini Droid cannot be Tethered out of the way of Missile Volley or Energy Balls. Stunning the Gemini Droid also removes the Signal Jamming debuff on Izax and enables it to use guided Missile Volley attacks that cannot be avoided.
Healers can heal and shield the Gemini Droid to offset damage taken and players should do everything they can to mitigate these mechanics to keep the Gemini Droid and themselves alive.
Voice of Iokath
Buff applied to the Scyva-possessed Gemini droid that prevents it from taking any action while hacking Izax's Omnicannon to trigger an overload. When the buff expires after 120 seconds it will trigger a huge explosion and end the encounter in Story Mode.
Repurposed Gemini Droid character bar w/ Voice of Iokath buff counting down
(notice Gemini Droid also has Magnetic Tether and Adaptive Shrapnel debuffs)
Phase 6 Mechanics - Missile Volley, Signal Jamming and Magnetic Tether
Izax’s primary attack during Phase 6 is Missile Volley. These attacks are telegraphed by orange circles on the ground.
Missile Volley changes depending on whether the Signal Jamming debuff is applied. Signal Jamming is applied anytime the Gemini Droid is active. The Gemini Droid being stunned and receiving the Magnetic Tether debuff temporarily removes Signal Jamming until the Gemini Droid is no longer stunned.
If Signal Jamming is active on Izax, the Missile Volley attacks are unguided and do not follow the players and/or the Gemini Droid. Players can move out of the circles to avoid taking damage and can Tether the Gemini Droid out of the way as well.
If Signal Jamming is removed while the Gemini Droid is stunned by the Electro Tether Droids, then Izax can utilize guided Missile Volley attacks. These missiles follow their targets and cannot be avoided through movement.
This mechanic is intended to force the team to destroy the Electro Tether Droids quickly. Any Magnetic Tether attacks on the Gemini Droid should be interrupted. Three waves of Electro Tether Droids spawn and each wave is made up of 4 Electro Tether Droids with 1 from each corner. DPS should split up and DPS down the Electro Tether Droids.
Destroying the Electro Tether Droids is the ONLY DPS mechanic in this phase.
Any player or the Gemini Droid taking damage from Missile Volley gains stacks of Adaptive Shrapnel. The debuff increases damage taken by 15% per stack and lasts 25 seconds. Gaining a few stacks is not dangerous but care should be taken to avoid letting them get really high on any player or the Gemini Droid.
Finally, any player who attempts to Tether the Gemini Droid while it is stunned receives the Violent Shock debuff and is stunned themselves for 5 seconds. Do not try to Tether the Gemini Droid if it is stunned - instead help your team to interrupt and then destroy the Electro Tether Droids.
Missile Volley
Missile attack by Izax targeting the players and the Gemini Droid. The missiles are telegraphed by orange circles. The missiles do not track the player and can be moved out of if Signal Jamming is active on Izax, but if the Signal Jamming is absent then the missiles are guided and cannot be avoided.
Signal Jamming
Debuff applied by Scyva to Izaz that prevents targeted Missile Volley attacks. Signal Jamming is removed if Scyva is stunned by an Electro Tether Droid.
Izax health bar with the Signal Jamming debuff
Magnetic Tether
10 second channeled ability by the Electro Tether Droid that stuns the targeted player for its duration. It can be interrupted by players. Stunning the Gemini Droid temporarily removes the Signal Jamming debuff on Izax and enables the use of guide missile attacks.
Mini-map view when Electro Tether Droids spawn
Adaptive Shrapnel
Stacking debuff applied when the player or Scyva Gemini droid takes damage from Missile Volley. The debuff lasts for 25 seconds, can stack up to 99 times and each stack increased damage received by 15%.
Violent Shock
5 second stun effect applied to the player if they use the Tether temporary ability on a target that is stunned by an Electro Tether Droid.
Me getting Violent Shock by tethering the Gemini Droid while it was stunned
Phase 6 Mechanics - Mines
Mines are another mechanic the team must manage to keep the Gemini Droid alive. The mines spawn in waves along the side of the platform and move inward to the platform. If the mines reach the Gemini Droid or a player who gets their aggro, they will drop a circle on the ground and explode after a second or so.
The strategy for eliminating the mines requires a Tether and is often handled by a tank. The player runs BEHIND the mines so they are standing between the mines and the edge of the platform. The player targets a mine then Tethers it. This positioning and action pulls the mine over your head and either off the platform altogether or onto the electrified railing, either of which destroys the mine.
Be careful to coordinate who is using the Tether and make sure your positioning is correct. Using the Tether on a mine with bad positioning will throw it across the platform and could damage another player or the Gemini Droid.
The screenshot below shows good positioning for pulling mines and lets you run in a direct path behind the wave of mines and quickly pull them one at a time off the platform.
Positioning to Tether the mines off the platform
Phase 6 Mechanics - Energy Ball
The Energy Balls given Phase 6 its nickname as the Frogger phase. These orbs spawn on one side of the platform and float across it. Walking into them deals damage to players and the Gemini Droid.
Players should move into safe spots in each wave to avoid taking damage. The player Tethering the Gemini Droid should pull the droid through each wave as much as possible.
If the only safe movement path is through the Energy Balls (i.e., to avoid a Missile Volley or mine) then try to run straight through the green orb. It ticks for damage periodically while you are inside the orb, so the faster you move through it the less damage you will take.
Energy Balls floating across the platform
Phase 5 Mechanics - Other Mechanics
Magnetar Plasma Cannon
Attack ability by Izax on the player with aggro. The attack has a 3 second cooldown and leaves a blue AoE puddle that lasts for 18 seconds and deals AoE damage to any player inside it. This ability is used again in Phase 6 though it goes out much less often because other abilities like Missile Volley have higher priority. As usual, avoid standing in the blue puddle.
Phase 5 Mechanics - Big Explosion
As soon as the Voice of Iokath buff expires two minutes into Phase 6, the final mechanic begins for Izax in Story Mode. The story basis for this mechanic is that Scyva succeeded in hacking Izax and it is now about to explode.
The Initialize mechanic precedes Izax’s explosion and places a massive orange circle on the ground. The orange circle covers all of the platform except the two corners furthest away from Izax.
The Initialize orange circle lasts for 10 seconds before the explosion occurs, so the team has 10 seconds to get to safety. The team should be looking for this mechanic by watching the Voice of Iokath buff on the Gemini Droid and moving to the far side of the platform prior to the orange circle appearing.
The corner platforms continue to deal damage via the Electrical Overload mechanic, so players stepping onto the corner platform will take damage until the explosion happens.
The Electrical Overload damage can be avoided by careful positioning. There is a circular depression in the corner platform just past the ramp. Players who step directly onto the circle receive the WARNING: Damaged Connection buff do not take damage from Electrical Overload. A graphical signal that you are positioned correctly is a large red “X” appearing above your character’s head.
The best strategy for this phase is to move onto the platform and try to stand in the safe location. If you have trouble with this positioning or are low on health, you may want to wait a few seconds before running up there. If you can count time accurately then as soon as the orange circle appears starting counting to 10. As soon as you get to 6-7 run onto the platform, try to stand in the middle, but either way pop one or more defensive cooldowns.
As long as ONE PLAYER survives the explosion then the group successfully clears the encounter.
10 second mechanic preceding Izax exploding. During the 10 seconds most of the platform is covered in orange. When the 10 second warning ends, any players standing inside the orange AoE will be instantly killed.
Electrical Overload
Beginning in Phase 4, the metal railing on the edges of the platform become electrified and deal periodic damage to any player standing on the railing. This includes the corner platforms.
WARNING: Damaged Connection
Buff applied by standing inside the tower connection circle during Initialize that makes the player immune to damage from Electrical Overload.
Positioning on the platform to survive the explosion and take no damage from Electrical Overload
(see the red "X" above my character and also the Damaged Connection buff on my bar)
Role Discussion
Phase 1
Stand on the opposite side of the room to take Swipe and keep it away from the rest of the team. Use taunts aggressively to hold aggro. Make sure to stand far enough inward that you do not die to the Deflector Pulse that ends the phase.
Phase 2
Try to stand near the spawn point for the Electro Tether Droid and tag it when it spawns so that you get stunned instead of a DPS. Hitting Saber Reflect (for Guardian/Juggernauts) before the stun hits lets you reflect damage back to the Electro Tether Droid.
As soon as you are free from the Electro Tether Droid and the Anchor Drone is destroyed, move away from the group to drop the Plasma Field blue circles.
The tank should usually help with dropping the shields. If so, move to a corner and use your AoE taunt to grab aggro on the Energy Drone and Amplifier Drone in that corner. You need to aim the Energy Drone’s blue telegraph to hit the Amplifier Drone then aim its red telegraph directly at Izax to bring down the shield.
Repeat these mechanics as often as necessary until Izax is pushed.
Phase 3
Help destroy Electro Tether Droids then help DPS Izax and participate in the interrupt cycle for Charge Omnicannon. There are no tank specific mechanics in this phase.
Phase 4
Use taunts to maintain aggro on Izax. Stand away from the group to drop Plasma Field blue puddles. You will need a kiting path to drop 5 blue puddles then can repeat that path. Be careful to stay in range of your healers.
When Hull Cutters spawn be ready to use an AoE taunt if the group starts to be overwhelmed by damage.
Phase 5
Do your best to keep up with the group and run to the safe spots. Tanks can survive taking damage from missiles better than non-tanks so your margin for error is a bit higher.
Phase 6
Tanks should usually take responsibility for using the Tether to destroy mines and helping Tether the Gemini Droid out of trouble. Try to help with destroying and interrupting the Electro Tether Droids as much as possible.
When Initialize begins and applies the giant orange circle follow the group to safety.
As a tank you will take less damage during this phase from mistakes than non-tanks and you have more defensive cooldowns. That makes you one of the most likely players to survive the phase and help guarantee a successful clear so do what you can to help with mechanics and stay alive.
Phase 1
Stand on the opposite side of the room with the tanks. Try to stand close to the edge of the Swipe telegraph to ensure you will survive the Deflector Pulse knockback that ends the phase.
The tank will need light healing during this phase and the player getting Induction Cascade will take pretty heavy damage. If you get Induction make sure to get out of the group promptly.
Phase 2
Healers should stay with the group and help DPS the Anchor Drone for at least a few seconds, as the group should not take any damage initially except for the player stunned by the Electro Tether Droid.
Induction Cascade will be applied to a player right as/after the Anchor Drone is destroyed, so watch for the debuff, call it out and be prepared to give them big heals.
After the group survives the Anchor Drone and first Induction, group healing can be a bit stressful especially if the group gets too spread out. The best positioning will be in the middle of the room a little in front of Izax’s shield.
Hull Cutters will typically aggro to you so make sure your DPS stay close to help burn them down until Izax’s shield goes down.
Phase 3
Heal players through damage from the Electro Tether Droids then help DPS Izax and assist with interrupts. The only healing the rest of the phase will be to the players getting Induction Cascade.
If the group uses the Overload Communications Array mechanic to damage and reset Izax and needs/wants to use it a second or third time, the healers should do as much of that mechanic as possible to let DPS focus on Izax. A second overload should not be needed unless the group is really bad at interrupts though.
Phase 4
Stand with the group in between the Augment Drone and Izax but be careful not to stand on the electrified railing. The tank(s) will need consistent healing during this phase. The stressful healing phases will be keeping up with damage from Induction Cascade and when Hull Cutter waves spawn.
Be vocal with your team if healing through the Hull Cutters is challenging to make them stop DoT spreading and single target them down.
Phase 5
Healers have very little to heal in this phase due to the Searing Plasma debuff. Any player who takes damage and needs healing will have this debuff and take virtually no healing. As such, you should prioritize keeping yourself alive during this phase. Keep an eye on players who take damage and avoid devoting key cooldowns or abilities to healing them until the debuff falls off and then top them up going into the next phase.
Phase 6
Phase 6 can be stressful for healers since players get spread out and have lots of opportunities to take damage. The overall goal is to keep the Gemini Droid alive even if that means letting a few players die. Try to keep your positioning relatively central to the platform to keep as many players in line of sight as possible.
Healers should try to help with the Tether mechanic to move the Gemini Droid out of danger.
In Story Mode, the Gemini Droid has a lot of health and can survive a lot of damage if they are getting regularly healed and shielded. It’s okay to make mistakes as you have a lot of room for error.
When the big orange circle pops up, get onto the platform and top people up as much as possible before hitting cooldowns and hoping you survive.
Phase 1
Stand on the opposite side of the room with the tanks. Try to stand close to the edge of the Swipe telegraph to ensure you will survive the Deflector Pulse knockback that ends the phase.
Melee DPS should be careful to avoid standing in the Germicidal Radiation Field. Izax has a huge hitbox so you do not need to stand in the radiation field to damage Izax.
DPS may get Induction Cascade so take it to the designated position. If you have off heals then prioritize them while Induction is ticking and avoid any attacks unless necessary to build energy, trigger procs or maintain buffs. As soon as Induction Rebound (the red buff) is applied, move back to the group and hit your big hitting abilities to maximize your damage.
Phase 2
DPS should run into the middle of the white circle and try to maximize DPS on the Anchor Drone as soon as it spawns. This is the only DPS check of the encounter to destroy it before the group takes massive damage from Saturation Volley.
After the Anchor Drone is destroyed then kill the Electro Tether Drone. Watch out for Induction Cascade as it will go out around this time and is very dangerous while the team is grouped together. Forgetting this first Induction is the most common cause of a wipe in Story Mode.
After the Anchor Drone and Electro Tether Drone are both destroyed, the DPS should move to the middle in front of Izax to destroy Hull Cutters until Izax’s shield is brought down.
DPS with taunts or who are familiar with the shield mechanic may help bring down the shield. DPS not helping with the shield mechanic should stay away from Energy Drones and Amplifier Drones to avoid causing aggro issues.
As soon as Izax’s shield comes down all DPS should be on Izax. Izax takes +200% damage during this 15 second burst window so try to use offensive cooldowns during these short burst windows.
Rinse and repeat until the boss is pushed.
Phase 3
Destroy the Electro Tether Droids then attack Izax. As soon as the Damaged Deflector Shield (orange shield) is destroyed then help interrupt Izax as often as possible. DPS who get Induction Cascade should move away from the group.
DPS should help with Conductor Droids to trigger Overload Communications Array if requested by the raid lead but generally should not be necessary unless the group is practicing for Veteran Mode or simply wants to shorten the phase.
Phase 4
Stand with the group in between the Augment Drone and Izax but be careful not to stand on the electrified railing. DPS should be primarily targeted towards Izax during this phase.
Watch out for Induction Cascade and move out of the group if you get it until the debuff is gone.
Hull Cutters need to be destroyed when they spawn. They have huge AoE DR so avoid regular AoE attacks. Teams with lots of DoT spread can use those abilities to spread DoTs to the Hull Cutters and destroy them. If the Hull Cutters are slow to go down then DPS should use single target attacks to destroy them. Do not let a healer die and the group wipe because you were prioritizing your parse over group success.
Phase 5
Stick with the group and get to the safe spot as quickly as possible. Use movement abilities as necessary to stay alive. When in doubt run to the middle of the room until you can identify the safe position.
Phase 6
The primary job of DPS in Phase 6 is to destroy Electro Tether Droids and stay alive. The Electro Tether Droids spawn in waves of one droid per corner platform, so try and divide up the DPS so each droid has a DPS attacking it. Prioritize interrupts over attack abilities anytime the Electro Tether Droid stuns someone.
Some DPS may help with Tethering the Gemini Droid to safety and/or destroying the mines, but the overall job is destroying the Electro Tether Droids.
Once the Initialize orange circle appears, follow the group to safety and hope you survive.
Detailed Walkthrough - VETERAN MODE (WORK IN PROGRESS)
Kill Video & Video Guide
Izax Vet Mode Kill Video (Tank PoV)
Strategy - Veteran Mode
The Izax encounter in Veteran Mode takes the title for most mechanics-heavy fight in the game as of the Onslaught expansion content cycle. Izax retains all the mechanics from Story Mode and adds at least one big mechanic in each phase and an entirely new burn phase at the end.
Clearing Izax in Veteran Mode is all about successfully executing mechanics. If the team executes mechanics, tank damage is not particularly high, healers will have a few stressful moments but overall healing is not a huge skill check and there really is not a difficult DPS check anywhere in the encounter assuming the team can stay alive. The name of the game is handling mechanics, which is really the biggest theme to the overall design of the Gods operation.
The biggest challenges for new teams working on Vet Izax will usually be Phase 2 to build up enough Energy Charge to bring down Izax’s shield, Phase 5 to survive the much more difficult Missile Volleys now without orange circle telegraphs and Phase 6 to keep enough of the team alive through the big explosion to pass the DPS check in the burn phase. This guide will give you an overview of these and more mechanics, some suggested strategies and some tips and tricks that may help.
Group Composition
A traditional group composition is recommended for Veteran Mode Izax. In 8 person groups, the team will only need one tank for the majority of the encounter so may be possible for some groups to solo tank this encounter with a DPS with taunt taking on tank mechanics where necessary (primarily during Phase 4 dealing with Energy/Amplifier drones). 16 person groups should always take two tanks due to a second wave of Magnetar Plasma Cannon attacks on the second tank that need to be kept out of the group.
Pre-Fight Preparation
The key points to discuss before the fight are as follows:
Induction Cascade: It should be assumed every player knows how to deal with Induction Cascade. The team needs to be reminded of this due to the Building Cascade mechanic added in Veteran Mode making Induction in the group an auto-wipe.
Phase 1 tanking: New tanks will need to understand how to move in and out of the Germicidal Radiation Field to avoid being one shot by consecutive Swipe attacks.
Phase 2 bringing down shields: There are a wide range of strategies to do this that may vary by group so make sure the team knows the plan. Phase 2 will typically be the first big obstacle in prog so be prepared for it.
Phase 3 tower assignments: Phase 3 is all about good coordination to power up the communication arrays for the second and especially the third time. Plan who will stay on the boss, who will move the Conductor and who will connect the towers.
Phase 4 kiting Amplifier beams: Phase 4 is mostly a tank and spank except for the tank handling the Energy and Amplifier Drones. If the tank is new to the fight they will need to talk about strategy to balance keeping the Augment drone powered up and applying the debuff to Izax.
Phase 5 dodging missiles: The team should discuss strategy for avoiding missiles, how to look for the missile pattern, moving to the middle until the pattern is identified and reminding folks to keep movement abilities and utilities available
Phase 6 assignments: The team should plan who will handle pulling the Gemini droid and who will handle mines. DPS should stay on Electro Tether Droids. The team needs to be reminded that most of them need to survive the Initialize explosion to clear the Phase 7 DPS check.
Phase 7: Remind the team this is a thing and how it works.
Strategy Key Points
The strategy for the Izax encounter has the following key differences compared to Story Mode:
Take Induction Cascade out of the group.
Take Induction Cascade out of the group.
Take Induction Cascade out of the group.
Groups must handle Induction Cascade correctly every time in Veteran Mode. The damage scaling is much higher so even healing one player through Induction can be stressful. The mechanic is far more dangerous due to the Building Cascade mechanic. Every player is responsible for identifying if they get Induction and moving out of the group and should NOT need a call out from the ops leader.
The fight strategy can be summarized by phase as follows:
Phase 1 (100 - 96%) - The main difference is that Izax’s Swipe cleave attack applies stacks of Melee Vulnerability that last 6 seconds and increase damage taken by 1,000% per stack. Tanks cannot survive consecutive swipes. The simplest strategy is to have the tank move into the Germicidal Radiation Field to dodge alternating Swipes. The rest of the phase mechanics are the same as Story Mode.
Phase 2 (96 - 84%) - Izax’s shield can only be brought down by an Amplified Energy Beam with at least 3 stacks of Energy Charge. This mechanic requires players to coordinate hitting an Amplifier Drone with multiple beams from Energy Drones or other Amplifier Drones to build stacks before shooting Izax.
Phase 3 (84 - 64%) - The interrupt phase is far more interesting in Veteran Mode. Izax’s Charge Omnicannon cast builds 5 stacks per cast instead of 2 in Story Mode, so the team has very little room to miss any interrupts. Izax’s Damaged Deflector Shield re-activates a short time after it is brought down as well. Most teams will be required to execute the Overload Communications Array three times to push Izax, which requires coordination to connect the towers. Another change from Story Mode is that the Tether device is consumed by connecting a Conductor Droid to a tower so passing Tethers will typically be required as well.
Phase 4 (64 - ~33%) - Phase 4 is very different for a tank but similar for the other players. A tank will need to grab aggro on the Energy Drone and Amplifier Drones to build stacks of Energy Charge and alternate between powering up the Amplifier Drone’s buff and applying the Melted Armor debuff to Izax. Izax may relocate midway during this phase and require the team to pull the Amplifier Drone with a Tether to reposition.
Phase 5 (missiles) - The missile volley pattern is not telegraphed with orange circles so the team must visually identify the incoming missiles and spot the safe spot in the 3x3 grid.
Phase 6 (frogger) - The frogger phase has the same mechanics as Story Mode except the damage scaling is much higher. Good team coordination is necessary to keep the Gemini Droid alive. The team also needs most of the players to survive the giant explosion.
Phase 7 (2 - 0%) - Phase 7 is new in Veteran Mode and is a pure burn phase to destroy Izax before it can finish charging its Omnicannon. The team has 48 seconds to destroy Izax or the group wipes. The DPS check is not difficult with the full team but can be very challenging if players died during Phase 5 or 6.
Detailed Strategy WORK IN PROGRESS
Phase 0 - Starting the Fight
The team starts the fight by having a player click the Start Encounter button and completing the Start Encounter 5 second cast.
The team should be positioned with the tank(s) on one side of the shield and the rest of the team on the other side. This positioning is key to avoid cleaves. Players should avoid being too close to the railing because the knockback that ends the phase will kill players who get punted over the side.
Phase 1 - Inside the Deflector Shield (Izax 100% - 96%)
Phase 2 - Too Many Droids (Izax 96% - 84%)
Phase 3 - Interrupt, Interrupt, Who has the Interrupt? (Izax 84% - 64%)
Phase 4 - Purple Orb (Izax 64% - 33%)
Phase 5 - Master/Blaster Phase
Phase 6 - Frogger Phase
Phase 7 - Burn Phase
Role Discussion
Fight Abilities & Mechanics
Abilities / Mechanics - Izax Phase 1
Start Encounter
Temporary ability available to players to begin the Izax encounter. Clicking it begins a 5 second cast that initiates combat upon its completion. Moving interrupts the cast and will not begin the encounter.
Deflector Shield
Projecting a deflector shield capable of stopping battleship-class blasters. Effectively immune to small arms damage. Puncturing this shield would require a blast of immense power.
Buff applied to Izax during Phase 1 that prevents players from moving more than 19.4m from Izax. Moving through the shield will deal light damage and pull the player back inside the shield.
Return Fire
8 second channeled ability by Izax that has no effect on the encounter in Story or Veteran Mode.8 second channeled ability by Izax that has no effect on the encounter in Story or Veteran Mode.
Germicidal Radiation Field
Dealing periodic internal damage to targets standing too close. Projecting a radiation field designed for self-cleaning, and warding off organic pests.
Buff applied to Izax that projects an orange AoE field underneath the boss. Entering the field applies stacks of Accumulated Radiation to the player.
Accumulated Radiation
Taking increased damage from Germicidal Radiation Field per stack.
Debuff applied to the player by standing in the Germicidal Radiation Field. In Story or Veteran Mode, the debuff increases damage taken by 25% per stack, can stack up to 10 times and lasts 60 seconds. In Master Mode, the debuff increases damage by 25% per stack, reduces healing received by 20% per stack, can stack up to 10 times and lasts 120 seconds.
Basic cleave attack by Izax that has a 6 second cooldown. Swipe covers approximately two-thirds of the shield interior in Phase 1 and is aimed toward the side of the room where the player with aggro is standing as Izax begins its attack.
The player with aggro can move to the opposite side of the room or move into the Germicidal Radiation Field to avoid the Swipe attack.
Melee Vulnerability
Damage taken from Izax's melee attacks increased per stack, and defense chance reduced per stack.
Debuff applied to players hit by Izax's Swipe attack during Phase 1. In Story Mode, the debuff increases damage taken by 15% per stack and reduces melee/ranged defense by 15% per stack, can stack up to 5 times and lasts 6 seconds. In Veteran or Master Mode, the debuff increases damage taken by 1,000% per stack and reduces melee/ranged defense by 100% per stack, can stack up to 10 times and lasts 6 seconds.
Power Slam
Power Slam is a scripted attack used by Izax during Phase 1 that deals damage in its AoE and applies the Binding Shockwave debuff to all players regardless of position.
Binding Shockwave
Hindered. Unable to move. Even if Izax's slam attack is physically dodged, the burst of energy it releases causes problems of its own.
Debuff applied to players by Power Slam. In Story Mode, the player is immobilized for 3 seconds. In Veteran Mode, the player is immobilized for 4.5 seconds for non-tanks and 9.0 seconds for tanks and shield and glance chance is reduced by 100%. This effect can be purged with a stun break ability.
Induction Cascade (ability)
Ability used by Izax regularly during the encounter in several phases. Induction Cascade has a 33 second cooldown though low priority compared to other Izax abilities.
Induction Cascade is a 1 second cast ability that applies the Induction Cascade debuff to the targeted player.
Induction Cascade (debuff)
Movement speed increased to 160%. Immune to Binding Shockwave immobilization. Damage done reduced by 100%. Target is dealing periodic elemental damage in an area around itself.
Debuff applied by Izax's Induction Cascade ability. This debuff has 3 phases:
Induction Cascade Part 1 - 5 second debuff that increases movement speed to 160% of normal speed and provides immunity to the Binding Shockwave immobilization effect.
Induction Cascade Part 2 - 8 second debuff that increases movement speed to 160% of normal speed, reduces damage done by 100% and deals AoE damage centered on the player.
Induction Rebound - 8 second buff that increases damage done by 100% for its duration.
Induction Rebound
Residual energy surges through your body increasing your outgoing damage by 100%.
8 second buff applied after Induction Cascade ends that increases damage dealt by 100%. This buff compensates for the 100% reduction in damage dealt during Induction Cascade.
Building Cascade (Veteran Mode)
Target has recently taken area effect damage from an Induction Cascade. If this continues Induction Cascade will spread to this target.
12 second stacking debuff applied to players who take damage from Induction Cascade. If the player reaches 3 stacks of Building Cascade, they immediately receive Induction Cascade. If this happens, the Induction Cascade skips the first "warning phase" and immediately begins ticking for damage.
Deflector Pulse
IZAX is power cycling his deflector to eject any foreign objects from his shield perimeter.
Izax uses Deflector Pulse in Phase 1 once it reaches 96% of its maximum health, which knocks the players back and begins the transition to Phase 2.
Abilities / Mechanics - Izax Phase 2
Induction Cascade (ability)
Ability used by Izax regularly during the encounter in several phases. Induction Cascade has a 33 second cooldown though low priority compared to other Izax abilities.
Induction Cascade is a 1 second cast ability that applies the Induction Cascade debuff to the targeted player.
Induction Cascade (debuff)
Movement speed increased to 160%. Immune to Binding Shockwave immobilization. Damage done reduced by 100%. Target is dealing periodic elemental damage in an area around itself.
Debuff applied by Izax's Induction Cascade ability. This debuff has 3 phases:
Induction Cascade Part 1 - 5 second debuff that increases movement speed to 160% of normal speed and provides immunity to the Binding Shockwave immobilization effect.
Induction Cascade Part 2 - 8 second debuff that increases movement speed to 160% of normal speed, reduces damage done by 100% and deals AoE damage centered on the player.
Induction Rebound - 8 second buff that increases damage done by 100% for its duration.
Induction Rebound
Residual energy surges through your body increasing your outgoing damage by 100%.
8 second buff applied after Induction Cascade ends that increases damage dealt by 100%. This buff compensates for the 100% reduction in damage dealt during Induction Cascade.
Building Cascade (Veteran Mode)
Target has recently taken area effect damage from an Induction Cascade. If this continues Induction Cascade will spread to this target.
12 second stacking debuff applied to players who take damage from Induction Cascade. If the player reaches 3 stacks of Building Cascade, they immediately receive Induction Cascade. If this happens, the Induction Cascade skips the first "warning phase" and immediately begins ticking for damage.
Saturation Volley
10 cast ability by Izax that targets the group with a large orange AoE attack. The ability is centered on the Anchor Drone and deals very high group damage if the Anchor Drone is not destroyed when the cast ends.
Anchoring Field
This drone is projecting an anchoring field that confines anchored objects to the boundaries of the field.
Circular field projected around the Anchor Drone that prevents players from moving more than 15 meters away from it. Moving outside the field will deal damage and pull the player back into the Anchoring Field.
Magnetic Tether
You have become entrapped in a magnetic tether and are unable to act!
10 second channeled ability by the Electro Tether Droid that stuns the targeted player for its duration.
Pull a tethered target to your position. This behavior will change contextually based on your proximity to locations to which you can anchor the tether. Certain connections may result in the temporary loss or destruction of a tether. The distance you can pull a target toward you is relative to your distance from the target.
Temporary ability granted by destroying an Electro Tether Droid and walking through the circle left behind it.
Magnetar Plasma Cannon
Attack ability by Izax on the player with aggro. The attack has a 3 second cooldown and leaves a blue AoE puddle that lasts for 18 seconds and deals AoE damage to any player inside it.
Dampening Field
Damage from Area of Effect sources reduced. Designed for breaching sensitive areas of hardened targets, the Hull Cutter drone is built to be extremely resistant to the collateral damage that is typical of large scale combat.
Buff applied permanently to every Hull Cutter droid that applies AoE damage reduction of 75% in Story Mode or 90% in Veteran or Master Mode.
Deflector Shield
Projecting a deflector shield capable of stopping battleship-class blasters. Effectively immune to small arms damage. Puncturing this shield would require a blast of immense power.
Buff applied to Izax during Phase 2 that prevents players dealing damage to Izax. Shield can only be broken by Amplified Energy Beam from the Amplifier drones.
Energy Beam
This drone is preparing to fire a beam of energy at its target.
4s cast ability by the Energy Drone that fires an energy beam at the player with aggro. Energy Beam has an 8 second cooldown. Any Amplifier Drone hit by an Energy Beam gains 1 stack of Energy Charge.
Energy Charge
The amount of energy this amplifier drone is currently storing.
Energy Charge is a stackable buff applied to Amplifier Drones when they are hit by either an Energy Beam or an Amplified Energy Beam. Energy Charge stacks are all removed by the next firing of Amplified Energy Beam. If the Amplifier Drone reaches 5 stacks of Energy Charge it will be destroyed.
Amplified Energy Beam
This drone is preparing to fire an amplified beam of energy at its target.
4 second cast beam attack fired by the Amplifier Drone. Amplified Energy Beam has a 5 second cooldown. Amplified Energy Beam discharges all stacks of Energy Charge and deals damage that scales with the number of stacks.
In Story Mode, the Amplified Energy Beam can break Izax's Deflector Shield with 1 stack of Energy Charge. In Veteran Mode, at least 3 stacks are necessary to break the shield.
Feedback Overload
Unable to act. Unable to activate Deflector Shield. Damage received increased by 200%. Temporarily incapacitated due to a critical feedback overload in his shield systems.
15 second debuff applied to Izax when its shield is broken by Amplified Energy Beam. Izax is stunned and takes 200% more damage for its duration.en by Amplified Energy Beam. Izax is stunned and takes 200% more damage for its duration.
Deflector Pulse
IZAX is power cycling his deflector to eject any foreign objects from his shield perimeter.
Izax uses Deflector Pulse in Phase 2 after its shield is broken and Feedback Overload's stun effect expires. Izax punts players away then relocates and activates its Deflector Shield again.
Abilities / Mechanics - Izax Phase 3
Izax's most powerful weapon attack, Omnicannon deals damage based on the number of charges. Izax fires its Omnicannon at the beginning of Phase 3 with 10 charges and deals around 80% of the team's maximum health. Omnicannon can otherwise only be fired with 100 charges and will wipe the group.
Charge Omnicannon
2 second cast ability by Izax that adds charges of Omnicannon. In Story Mode, each successful cast of Charge Omnicannon adds 2 charges. In Veteran or Master Mode, each use of Charge Omnicannon adds 5 charges.
Charge Omnicannon can be interrupted.
Induction Cascade (ability)
Ability used by Izax regularly during the encounter in several phases. Induction Cascade has a 33 second cooldown though low priority compared to other Izax abilities.
Induction Cascade is a 1 second cast ability that applies the Induction Cascade debuff to the targeted player.
Induction Cascade (debuff)
Movement speed increased to 160%. Immune to Binding Shockwave immobilization. Damage done reduced by 100%. Target is dealing periodic elemental damage in an area around itself.
Debuff applied by Izax's Induction Cascade ability. This debuff has 3 phases:
Induction Cascade Part 1 - 5 second debuff that increases movement speed to 160% of normal speed and provides immunity to the Binding Shockwave immobilization effect.
Induction Cascade Part 2 - 8 second debuff that increases movement speed to 160% of normal speed, reduces damage done by 100% and deals AoE damage centered on the player.
Induction Rebound - 8 second buff that increases damage done by 100% for its duration.
Induction Rebound
Residual energy surges through your body increasing your outgoing damage by 100%.
8 second buff applied after Induction Cascade ends that increases damage dealt by 100%. This buff compensates for the 100% reduction in damage dealt during Induction Cascade.
Building Cascade (Veteran Mode)
Target has recently taken area effect damage from an Induction Cascade. If this continues Induction Cascade will spread to this target.
12 second stacking debuff applied to players who take damage from Induction Cascade. If the player reaches 3 stacks of Building Cascade, they immediately receive Induction Cascade. If this happens, the Induction Cascade skips the first "warning phase" and immediately begins ticking for damage.
Magnetic Tether
You have become entrapped in a magnetic tether and are unable to act!
10 second channeled ability by the Electro Tether Droid that stuns the targeted player for its duration.
Pull a tethered target to your position. This behavior will change contextually based on your proximity to locations to which you can anchor the tether. Certain connections may result in the temporary loss or destruction of a tether. The distance you can pull a target toward you is relative to your distance from the target.
Temporary ability granted by destroying an Electro Tether Droid and walking through the circle left behind it.
Damaged Deflector Shield
Absorbs 100% of incoming damage, but will temporarily fail after absorbing a certain amount of damage.
Buff applied to Izax during Phase 3 that prevents players dealing damage to Izax. This shield can be broken after dealing sufficient damage. In Story Mode the Deflector Shield stays down once broken while in Veteran and Master Mode the Deflect Shield will re-activate after a short time. If Izax is damaged by an Overloaded Communications Array the it will relocate and re-activate the Damaged Deflector Shield.
Buff applied to player who stands on top of the connector node to the Communications Array. With this buff, players can use the Tether ability to connect Communications Arrays via the Conductor Droid.
Overload Communications Array
Players can click a button on a power Communications Array to activate a 4 second cast to trigger Overload Communications Array. This effect damages Izax for approximately 6% of its maximum health and causes it to relocate, re-activate its Damaged Deflector Shield and summon more Electro Tether Droids.
Abilities / Mechanics - Izax Phase 4
Induction Cascade (ability)
Ability used by Izax regularly during the encounter in several phases. Induction Cascade has a 33 second cooldown though low priority compared to other Izax abilities.
Induction Cascade is a 1 second cast ability that applies the Induction Cascade debuff to the targeted player.
Induction Cascade (debuff)
Movement speed increased to 160%. Immune to Binding Shockwave immobilization. Damage done reduced by 100%. Target is dealing periodic elemental damage in an area around itself.
Debuff applied by Izax's Induction Cascade ability. This debuff has 3 phases:
Induction Cascade Part 1 - 5 second debuff that increases movement speed to 160% of normal speed and provides immunity to the Binding Shockwave immobilization effect.
Induction Cascade Part 2 - 8 second debuff that increases movement speed to 160% of normal speed, reduces damage done by 100% and deals AoE damage centered on the player.
Induction Rebound - 8 second buff that increases damage done by 100% for its duration.
Induction Rebound
Residual energy surges through your body increasing your outgoing damage by 100%.
8 second buff applied after Induction Cascade ends that increases damage dealt by 100%. This buff compensates for the 100% reduction in damage dealt during Induction Cascade.
Building Cascade (Veteran Mode)
Target has recently taken area effect damage from an Induction Cascade. If this continues Induction Cascade will spread to this target.
12 second stacking debuff applied to players who take damage from Induction Cascade. If the player reaches 3 stacks of Building Cascade, they immediately receive Induction Cascade. If this happens, the Induction Cascade skips the first "warning phase" and immediately begins ticking for damage.
Energy Beam
This drone is preparing to fire a beam of energy at its target.
4s cast ability by the Energy Drone that fires an energy beam at the player with aggro. Energy Beam has an 8 second cooldown. Any Amplifier Drone hit by an Energy Beam gains 1 stack of Energy Charge.
Energy Charge
The amount of energy this amplifier drone is currently storing.
Energy Charge is a stackable buff applied to Amplifier Drones when they are hit by either an Energy Beam or an Amplified Energy Beam. Energy Charge stacks are all removed by the next firing of Amplified Energy Beam. If the Amplifier Drone reaches 5 stacks of Energy Charge it will be destroyed.
Amplified Energy Beam
This drone is preparing to fire an amplified beam of energy at its target.
4 second cast beam attack fired by the Amplifier Drone. Amplified Energy Beam has a 5 second cooldown. Amplified Energy Beam discharges all stacks of Energy Charge and deals damage that scales with the number of stacks.
In Story Mode, the Amplified Energy Beam can break Izax's Deflector Shield with 1 stack of Energy Charge. In Veteran Mode, at least 3 stacks are necessary to break the shield.
Magnetar Plasma Cannon
Attack ability by Izax on the player with aggro. The attack has a 3 second cooldown and leaves a blue AoE puddle that lasts for 18 seconds and deals AoE damage to any player inside it.
Dampening Field
Damage from Area of Effect sources reduced. Designed for breaching sensitive areas of hardened targets, the Hull Cutter drone is built to be extremely resistant to the collateral damage that is typical of large scale combat.
Buff applied permanently to every Hull Cutter droid that applies AoE damage reduction of 75% in Story Mode or 90% in Veteran or Master Mode.
Optimized Augmentation
Damage dealt significantly increased.
Buff provided by the Augment Droid when it is powered up and online. In 8 person Story or Veteran Mode and 16 person Veteran Mode, the buff increases damage done by 200%. In 16 person Story Mode, the buff increases damage done by 160%.
In Story Mode, Optimized Augmentation is always online in proximity of the Augment Droid.
In Veteran Mode, Optimized Augmentation is active for 8 seconds per Energy Charge applied to the Augment Droid. If the Augment Droid runs out of Energy Charges then it will go offline and remove the Optimized Augmentation buff.
Melted Armor (Veteran Mode)
Damage taken increased by 50% per stack. Max 4 stacks. One stack falls off every 6 seconds.
Debuff applied to Izax by hitting the boss with Amplified Energy Beam. Izax gains 1 stack of Melted Armor per stack of Energy Charge applied via Amplified Energy Beam. Each stack increases damage taken by 50% per stack up to a maximum of 4 stacks (+200% damage) with one stack falling off every 6 seconds.