Scyva is an interesting fight that can be a lot of fun but is often confusing for less experienced players. Similar to Revan in Temple of Sacrifice, the Scyva encounter seems to have been designed initially for Veteran Mode then scaled down for Story Mode (and up for Master Mode), leaving the Story Mode encounter with lots of mechanics that mostly can be ignored.
In Story Mode, the Scyva fight is pretty easy until the very difficult Extinction Protocol mechanic near the end. In Veteran Mode, the fight is challenging during all phases. A successful kill of Scyva requires good team coordination, position awareness and executing a variety of unique mechanics.
The fight has an 11 minute enrage timer in Veteran or Master Mode, though as a practical matter I have never seen a team actually hit enrage before clearing or wiping.
Table of Contents
Detailed Walkthrough - STORY MODE
Kill Video & Video Guide
Scyva SM Kill Video
Scyva SM Video Guide
Strategy - Story Mode
The Scyva encounter in Story Mode has nearly all the same mechanics as in Veteran Mode but the vast majority can be ignored. This leaves the Scyva encounter as a fairly simple encounter until the end where new players may struggle seeing Extinction Protocol for the first time.
The first phase sees the team fighting the Omega Protocol Droid and destroying it while aiming energy beams to destroy nearby shield generators. The team then shifts to destroying a pair of CFA Railguns in the front corners of the room. Finally, the team engages Scyva in the middle of the room and experiences a variety of mechanics that can mostly be ignored until Scyva reaches 30%. Once Scyva reaches 30% health or 2:10 minutes elapses, whichever comes last, Scyva uses Extinction Protocol.
Extinction Protocol can be a group wipe mechanic. We will discuss below but the simplest advice is to tell everyone to watch for the "Initialize Extinction Protocols" cast and then just stay on the move until after Extinction Protocol. Then the group re-engages Scyva and finishes her off.
Group Composition
A traditional group composition is fine for Scyva in Story Mode. Teams may also run with just one tank and be fine. The last phase of the first with Scyva slightly favors ranged DPS but overall any class/discipline can be successful in this encounter.
Pre-Fight Preparation
The key points to discuss before the fight are as follows:
Phase 1 positioning: Make sure the group knows to stack in the middle near the Omega Protocol Droid, to NOT USE KNOCKBACKS and aim the energy beams in an "X" pattern through the middle to hit the shield generators.
Phase 1 interrupts: Make sure everyone knows to interrupt the Omega Protocol Droid's cast abilities. In some cases it can be safe to ignore these but generally interrupting is safest.
Phase 3 positioning: Make sure every player knows which side to stand on (Tanks East, everyone else West), to avoid standing in ground lit up with purple or standing near glowing purple orbs.
Extinction Protocol: The most importance thing for groups to understand is Extinction Protocol. Discuss it and make sure everyone knows to stay on the move. This especially includes healers who might be tempted to try and heal instead of dodging red circles of death.
Strategy Key Points
The strategy for the Scyva encounter has the following key points:
(Phase 1) Keep the Omega Protocol Droid ("OPD") in the middle of the room and interrupt its casts. The OPD can be knocked around but it is most efficient to keep it in the middle. Interrupt all casts. If everyone groups in the middle this naturally leads to the Disintegrate Beams targeting the OPD and hitting the Shield Generators.
(Phase 2) Destroy the CFA Railguns beginning with the East side. The team should burn down the CFA Railguns. Due to how buffs are applied during this phase to the team and enemies, the East / Blue railgun should be destroyed first.
(Phase 3) All players should avoid standing in Neutronic Decay (purple flooring) or near purple orbs. The circular battle area around Scyva has an inner ring and out ring, with sections of purple flooring rotating around the room. Ranged DPS and healers should move between the inner and outer rings to avoid damage while maintaining uptime. Tanks and melee DPS may need to move more actively around the room to stay in melee range while avoiding damage.
(Phase 3) Tanks should kite Scyva’s Radiance to only clip Blue floating orbs. Radiance will turn blue orbs into purple orbs and clipping a purple orb will cause it to explode. As long as each Radiance is only aimed at a single blue orb, the orbs will naturally return to blue to prevent any explosions. It is okay to turn Radiance into the group if necessary to avoid clipping a purple orb.
(Phase 3) All players should stop using abilities during Extinction Protocol and focus on dodging red circles on the ground. Extinction Protocol is announced and can trigger when Scyva reaches 30% health. The red circles will almost instantly kill players so the entire team focus should be on moving around the room to dodge red circles.
Detailed Strategy
Phase 1 - Omega Protocol Droid (OPD)
The objective to clear Phase 1 is to destroy the OPD and the Shield Generators. Destroying the East and West Shield Generators will automatically destroy the OPD and push the phase. The key to clearing Phase 1 is good positioning of the OPD and team in the middle of the room to properly aim the Sterilization Array Module's Disintegrate beams. The team should also be careful to interrupt (or not) the OPD's cast/channel abilities and make sure to AoE down the Stasis Swarm Droids.
A quick reminder: the Omega Protocol Droid is NOT immune to push, pull or knockback abilities. Please do not use them!
Here is a master graphic for Phase 1 that summarizes essentially all the key mechanics and strategies. We will go through each of these in sequence with some example screenshots and explanations.
The OPD has a buff called Omega Scattering Field that generates a shield around it. Players need to be inside the shield to damage the OPD.
Marked Target indicator
The Shield Generators can only be damaged by the Disintegrate beams from the Sterilization Array Modules (in the NW and NE corners of the room). Those beams target the nearest player and apply the Marked Target debuff to the player being targeted.
When the fight begins, the nearest player to the Sterilization Array Modules (NW and NE corners of the room) will target the nearest players. The players receive the Marked Target debuff.
The Marked Target debuff is noted graphically in Story Mode through a red line as noted in the screenshot here.
Marked Target indicator
When the Sterilization Array is about to fire its Disintegrate beam, a blue conal graphic will appear on the ground to telegraph the beam. Once the telegraph is placed the beam will not move. Players should try to avoid the beam as it deals damage, though the damage is fairly light in Story Mode.
If the beam clips the OPD it will reduce its health by 20% of maximum health.
Players receiving the Marked Target debuff should position themselves to make sure the beams will cross the room diagonally to hit the opposite Shield Generator.
Here is an example of pretty good positioning of the OPD and the Disintegrate beams. Ideally the OPD should be a little closer to the middle of the room, but this positioning should ensure the Shield Generators are destroyed almost immediately and the team can push into Phase 2 in less than a minute.
OPD Mechanics
Now let's discuss the OPD's mechanics quickly. They are mostly interrelated so I have re-summarized the key mechanics below.
Priming Ignition
The OPD gains stacks of Priming Ignition every second or so. Stacks do not build while another ability is being cast or channeled. Each stack increases the damage done by the OPD by 35%.
All Systems Primed
When the OPD reaches 11 stacks, it receives the All Systems Primed debuff and begins channeling Accelerated Destruction. Each tick from the Accelerated Destruction channel removes a stack of Priming Ignition.
Accelerated Destruction
Accelerated Destruction is a 5 second channeled ability that ticks for damage. Each tick applies 1 stack of Critical Injury debuff to the player and removes 1 stack of Priming Ignition from the OPD. Accelerated Destruction can be interrupted.
Critical Injury
Critical Injury is a stacking debuff applied to players by each tick of damage from Accelerated Destruction. Critical Injury lasts for 15 seconds and reduces healing received by 2% per stack in Story Mode. A full channel of Accelerated Destruction will typically apply around 13 stacks, which would reduce healing received by up to 26% in Story Mode.
(Sidenote - I am not quite sure how a 5.0 second channel that ticks every 0.5 seconds can add more than 11 stacks, but I have seen it happen.)
Explosive Force
3 second cast damage ability by the OPD. Explosive Force deals damage to all players that increases based on the number of OPD's stacks of Priming Ignition. At high stacks Explosive Force will wipe the group. Explosive Force can be interrupted.
The basic strategy in Story Mode is to keep an eye on the OPD's stacks of Priming Ignition reach 11 to be ready for the Accelerated Destruction channel. Depending on your tank's preference, the team should either interrupt all channels of Accelerated Destruction or let the channel go out. There are pros and cons to each approach:
Interrupt Accelerated Destruction: Accelerated Destruction can deal quite a bit of damage to your tank so interrupting can be attractive to avoid the damage. The healing debuff makes healing through the damage more difficult though not impossible. The downside is that the OPD will only drop a few stacks of Priming Ignition and thus will reach 11 stacks of Priming Ignition quickly and channel Accelerated Destruction again. This strategy works but will require frequent interrupts. The other downside is that keeping the OPD at high stacks of Priming Ignition makes the Explosive Force mechanic very dangerous if it goes out and so it must be interrupted as well.
Do NOT interrupt Accelerated Destruction: Accelerated Destruction hurts but can be healed through in Story Mode by many healers. The benefit to this strategy is that the OPD will reduce its stacks of Priming Ignition all the way back down to zero. This makes Accelerated Destruction a far less frequent ability and having low stacks will make Explosive Force far less dangerous, to the point that it can usually be ignored.
In Story Mode, either of these strategies works fine. The key thing to remember though is to always interrupt Explosive Force if the OPD is at high stacks. At low stacks you can ignore it but at high stacks it may wipe the team.
Stasis Swarm Droid Mechanics
The only other thing to consider is the strategy around adds. Stasis Swarm Droids spawn regularly from either side of the room and aggro to a random player. The player with aggro receives the Magnetic Attraction debuff. The Stasis Swarm Droids will attack the player with aggro and deal increasing damage with Atrophic Field if ignored.
When the Stasis Swarm Droids are destroyed they drop a Stasis Field on the ground that reduces movement speed and alacrity.
In Story Mode the Stasis Swarm Droids are not relevant and should be AoE'd down while focusing on the OPD.
Magnetic Attraction
Stasis Swarm Droid apply the Magnetic Attraction debuff to the player they target upon spawning. Each player can only receive the Magnetic Attraction debuff once at a time so can only be targeted by one droid at a time.
Atrophic Field
Stasis Swarm Droids channel attack Atrophic Field on the player with the Magnetic Attraction debuff once they get within 3 meters of the target. The channel lasts for 10 seconds and applies 1 stack of Atrophic Field per second up to a maximum of 10 stacks and deals low damage.
The Atrophic Field channel applies 1 stack of Atrophic Field per second up to a maximum of 10 stacks. The debuff lasts for 6 seconds before it expires assuming it is not refreshed by receiving an additional stack. Having any stacks will apply a 30% slow effect in Story Mode and will reduce Alacrity Rating by 2% per stack.
Stasis Field
Stasis Swarm Droids drop a Stasis Field when they are destroyed that affects any players in melee range and is represented by a green AoE. The debuff lasts for 8 seconds and reduces movement speed by 50% in Story Mode.
Phase 2 - CFA Railgun Turrets
Once the Shield Generators are destroyed, the fight transitions to Phase 2. The team's main goal in Phase 2 is to destroy 2 CFA Railgun Turrets, which replace the Sterilization Array Modules in the NE and NW corners of the room. The kill order is to kill the East/Blue turret then the West/Red turret.
While the team is attacking the CFA Railgun Turrets, the Purge Beam Emitters periodically fire their lasers into the Emergency Purge in the middle of the room and grant a variety of powerful buffs and debuffs based on the team's positioning. Finally, a series of Ignition Catalysts spawn throughout the phase and explode if they are not destroyed quickly, though in Story Mode they can be safely ignored.
Phase 2 is an extremely straight-forward phase in Story Mode. For the most part the strategy can be summed up as simply as "kill the two turrets beginning with the NE (blue side) turret" and be okay. For the sake of completeness and to make the transition to Veteran Mode easier, I have described various mechanics below anyway.
Here is a master graphic for Phase 2 that summarizes essentially all the key mechanics and strategies. We will go through each of these in sequence with some example screenshots and explanations.
In Story Mode, the strategy here is simply to destroy the two CFA Railgun Turrets, first the NE/Blue turret then the NW/Red turret. This phase will end based on a timer regardless of whether the turrets are destroyed but in Story Mode the DPS required is very low so groups should always be able to destroy both before Scyva comes down to begin Phase 3.
The main mechanic to understand in this phase is how the Purge Beam Emitter / Emergency Purge mechanic works to apply buffs based on your position around the room. These buffs will be more important in Veteran Mode.
This phase includes some mechanics that are not relevant in Story Mode that will not be discussed here but will be very relevant in Veteran Mode. The best example during Phase 2 is the Ignition Catalyst mechanic. These bombs spawn in the same pattern and timing as in Veteran Mode except that their explosions will not wipe the group, and therefore can be safely ignored.
Emergency Purge Buffs
Every 12 seconds the Purge Beam Emitters on each side of the room will fire into the Emergency Purge (the floating energy cloud in the middle of the room during this phase). In Story Mode, each time the beams fire into the Emergency Purge a buff will be granted to players based on the side of the room in which they are standing.
Players standing in the East side of the room receive 1 stack of Anomalous Entropy (blue). The details are listed above and summarized briefly again below for easy reference but their primary effects are to increase damage, decrease alacrity and heal the players.
Players standing in the West side of the room receive 1 stack of Unstable Acceleration (red). The details are listed above and summarized briefly again below for easy reference but their primary effects are to increase alacrity, energy regeneration and damage taken.
A key point to note is that the CFA Railgun Turrets are also buffed by the Emergency Purge in Story Mode. These buffs are far less powerful in Story Mode but serve to inform the kill priority.
Anomalous Entropy
Buff applied by the Blue Beam fired by the Purge Beam Emitter. If the beam is shielded by a player using the Deflection Field Module, the buff is applied to all players. If the beam is not shielded then a different buff is applied to the East CFA Railgun turret.
The buff lasts for 60 seconds and can stack up to 10 times. The buff increases damage done, max health, healing and threat generation by 25%, increase damage taken and alacrity by 5%, reduce energy regeneration by 5% and heal the player for more than 30% of their health.
Unstable Acceleration
Buff applied by the Red Beam fired by the Purge Beam Emitter. If the beam is shielded by a player using the Deflection Field Module, the buff is applied to all players. If the beam is not shielded then a different buff is applied to the West CFA Railgun turret.
The buff lasts for 60 seconds and can stack up to 10 times. The buff applies the following benefits in Story Mode (per stack unless otherwise noted):
+5% damage taken (this effect is only applied once and does not stack)
-5% healing received (this effect is only applied once and does not stack)
-5.5% ability activation/channeling time (i.e., increases your alacrity)
+5.5% energy regeneration rate
Red/Blue Buff Strategy - Advanced Tip for Positioning to boost DPS in Phase 3
An advanced tip for players that can help in Story Mode is to make sure you go into Phase 3 with high stacks of both Anomalous Entropy and Unstable Acceleration. This gives you a sizable DPS increase early in Phase 3 against Scyva.
To recap, each time you receive a buff from the Emergency Purge it also refreshes the 60 second duration, and the Emergency Purge fires every 12 seconds. If you are a melee DPS or tank player you will naturally spend the first half of Phase 2 standing near the East/Blue Railgun and receive 3-4 stacks of Anomalous Entropy (blue buff), then will spend the same amount of time near the West/Red Railgun and receive 3-4 stacks of Unstable Acceleration.
Let's do a little math here...let's say you finish the East railgun right as you get a 4th stack of Anomalous Entropy (blue buff) then move to the west. If it takes about 40 seconds to destroy the west railgun, you'll get 3 stacks of Unstable Acceleration (red buff) and your stacks of the blue buffs will only have around 20 seconds left. Since there is around a 10-20 second downtime between Phases 2 and 3, your blue buffs (the big damage done buff) will expire at the beginning of Phase 3.
That stinks right??? Thankfully there is an easy trick. Keep an eye on the West railgun's health and once it gets below around 30% health move to the East side of the room for the Emergency Purge beam. You'll get another blue stack and refresh your duration right before the transition. This can give you an extra 30-40 seconds of uptime on the blue 27.5% damage buff during Phase 3 and can be super helpful.
For ranged DPS and healers, I would still suggest running with the melee players until 30% or so on the West turret then set up East to refresh your blue buff. The +27.5% damage buff is only applied once so having 4+ blue buffs is not as important as having any blue buff stacks. Having a few red buff stacks helps offset the really low alacrity imposed by lots of blue stacks. Ideally you want them fairly close to equal to you get the +27.5% damage buff with relatively normal alacrity.
This strategy functions differently in Veteran Mode but the basic concept (have 3+ stacks of blue & red and refresh both durations at the end of Phase 2) will be key in Veteran Mode as well.
Here is an example of this strategy in action...
This is a few seconds before Scyva comes down to start Phase 3. Notice how my buff bar has 5 stacks of Anomalous Entropy (blue buff) with a bit over half its duration and then 2 stacks of Unstable Acceleration (red buff) with maybe a third of its duration?
This means I'll have probably 30 seconds or so of +27.5% damage on Scyva. That's basically double all the raid buffs for double their duration!!
Phase 3 - Scyva 100% - 31%
After the team destroys the CFA Railgun Turrets or when sufficient time elapses, Scyva will come down in the middle of the room and Phase 3 will commence. This phase has a straightforward goal of simply damaging Scyva to burn it to 0% health to clear the encounter. However, Scyva has a lot of mechanics. Scyva's special mechanic below 30% merits separate discussion as a mini-phase of its own so we will initially just discuss Scyva >30%.
In Story Mode players can ignore most of the mechanics prior to pushing Scyva past 30% health. The only keys are the tank positioning of Radiance and players avoiding purple floor and purple orbs. Other mechanics can be ignored for the most part in Story Mode. I explain most of them below for completeness and to help players get accustomed to mechanics that will matter much more in Veteran Mode.
Here is a master graphic for Phase 3 that summarizes the first half of mechanics from 100% to 30% Scyva health. We will go through each of these in sequence with some example screenshots and explanations.
Inverse Gravity is a temporary ability with a 10 second cooldown that triggers a "knock up" effect by reversing gravity temporarily. Any players on the East side of the room upon activation, and thus not affected by Amplify Gravity, are punted up into the air and avoid damage from various abilities such as Atomic Scattering. Any players on the West side of the room upon activation, and thus ARE affected by Amplify Gravity, do not avoid damage.
Here is a screenshot in the middle of the Atomic Scattering mechanic. After the 5 second cast, a ring of blue energy expands and deals damage to anyone on the ground. The mechanic also triggers a swap between Atomic Excitation and Atomic Scattering, as shown below.
This damage can be avoided by players standing on the East side (Reduce Gravity buff). If they click on the Inverse Gravity temporary ability, they will be punted up into the air and avoid damage from Atomic Scattering.
Healers should be prepared for group healing every time they see the Atomic Scattering cast. The damage is not very high in Story Mode but can be unexpected spike group damage if you are not prepared for it.
The graphic here shows the toroidal ring of energy from Atomic Excitation. This occurs after the first cast of Atomic Scattering.
Walking through this ring will deal HEAVY damage and can kill you in a second or two. Gap closers can work to get through it with minimal damage, and teleport gap closers work without taking damage.
Every cast of Atomic Scattering Scyva will alternate between Atomic Excitation (blue ring of death) and Atomic Compression (trapezoid shield).
The graphic here shows the trapezoid shield around Scyva from Atomic Compression. This occurs after the second cast of Atomic Scattering.
This shield will reflect part of your damage dealt. Be prepared to use self heal abilities and low cooldown defensive abilities. Healers will need to heal more during this phase.
Every cast of Atomic Scattering Scyva will alternate between Atomic Compression (trapezoid shield) and Atomic Compression (blue ring of death).
Here is a screenshot of the Neutronic Decay purple graphic on the ground. These rotate around the inner and outer rings in opposite directions. Avoid standing in them.
In this example I am standing in the inner ring to avoid purple in the outer ring. Ranged DPS and healers should float between inner/outer to avoid damage, while melee DPS and tanks likely need to pivot around the room to maintain uptime on the boss while avoiding damage from the inner purple ring.
The graphic here shows Scyva channeling the Deconstruct attack on the player with aggro. It is a 3s channeled attack.
It deals moderate damage but the key to remember is that it is actually a projectile laser attack, so it is possible for other players to LoS the tank.
Any player without aggro who is damaged by Deconstruct by LoSing the tank with aggro gets stacks of Prioritize. The ops frame snipper to left shows my co-tank picking up stacks of Prioritize. This buff increases threat generation by 25% per stack for 20 seconds.
This is why the tank(s) get one side of the room, since a DPS LoS'ing them can pull aggro due to Prioritize. Tanks should watch for this and be prepared to taunt back.
Here is a master graphic for Phase 3 that summarizes the second half of mechanics from 100% to 30% Scyva health. We will go through each of these in sequence with some example screenshots and explanations.
Here is an example of the Radiance conal attack. It moves with the player with aggro.
Any floating orbs clipped by Radiance will be affected. Blue orbs turn to Purple orbs, while Purple orbs explode.
The main tank mechanic for this phase is turning Scyva so Radiance only ever hits one orb. Purple orbs will eventually return to Blue, so if you only ever clip one at a time then none will explode.
All players should avoid Purple orbs as they deal proximity damage to any player within melee range.
Upheaval is a 2s cast ability by Scyva. When the cast ends every player will be affected by a force pushing them into the air.
Players on the West side of the room affected by Amplify Gravity (red) will be stunned for about a second but not fly into the air. Players on the East side of the room affected by Reduce Gravity (green) will be launched into the air and stunned for several seconds.
When players see this cast ability they should make sure to stand on the West side of the room to avoid the knock-up. This mechanic is not super important in Story Mode but is a good habit for Veteran Mode.
Ignite Core is a 10 second cast ability by Scyva that will deal high group wide damage if the cast completes in Story Mode. The cast can be interrupted by dealing sufficient damage (i.e., similar to Heirad in TFB Dread Guards or Revan third floor in ToS). This mechanic usually occurs during Atomic Compression and thus the team will take
Phase 3.5 - Scyva 30% - 0%
Once Scyva reaches 30% health, it is possible to see the Extinction Protocol mechanic. This mechanic is by far the most difficult in Story Mode and is honestly the only mechanic that poses much difficulty to the majority of groups. Groups with low DPS will usually see Extinction Protocol as soon as Scyva reaches 30% health, while groups with higher DPS will typically see it around 130 seconds after Scyva comes down. Groups with very high DPS may skip Extinction Protocol altogether!
Outside of Extinction Protocol, most other Phase 3 mechanics continue until Scyva is destroyed. A few of them change their names (e.g., Deconstruct becomes Destroy) but the look and function of the mechanics do not meaningfully change.
The overall strategy to this phase is to be prepared for Extinction and have everyone keep moving during that mechanic to stay out of the red circles of death that spawn under players' feet. Once the mechanic ends, the group resumes normal mechanics.
It is possible to see Extinction Protocol more than once. The first use of the ability is preceded by "Initialize Extinction Protocols", a 3s cast ability with no effect, but subsequent uses of Extinction Protocol will happen immediately and without warning. The same strategy applies to survive it.
Here is a master graphic for Phase 3 that summarizes the Extinction Protocol mechanic that can occur sub-30% Scyva health.
Here is an example of the Extinction Protocol mechanic.
When Scyva begins channeling Extinction Protocol, red circles will begin to form underneath a random player. After 1-2 seconds, Scyva will channel an energy beam targeting that area and dealing extremely high damage to any player within the circle.
You can see in the example here how there are a few red circles being dropped as I move in a counter-clockwise direction and the first circle is being hit by a laser beam through the ones closer to me have not started dealing damage.
The team strategy to deal with this mechanic is simply to stay on the move. You may get circles or you may not, but if you stay on the move you should generally be safe.
Try to avoid standing too close to players leading up to this mechanic and when moving around make sure you are not running behind another player, as doing so can lead to death due to running into their red circle.
This mechanic is by far the most difficult mechanic for new players in Gods from the Machine but as long as you stay calm and stay on the move you should be fine!
Detailed Walkthrough - VETERAN MODE
Kill Video & Video Guide
Scyva Veteran Mode Kill Video
Scyva Veteran Mode Video Guide
Strategy - Veteran Mode
The Scyva encounter in Veteran Mode has nearly all the same mechanics as in Story Mode, except that now they all matter. This leads to a LOT of strategy considerations for earlier phases and particularly dealing with the Omega Protocol Droid (OPD) and the CFA Railgun Turrets in the first two phases.
The first phase is still quick but requires much higher team coordination to deal with interrupts on the OPD, positioning the Disintegrate beams, and timing the destruction of adds to root the OPD in place to destroy the Shield Generators. The key to success in the first phase is good positioning and communication.
The second phase retains the overall goal of destroying the two CFA Railgun turrets. Veteran Mode adds two key mechanics in the Ignition Catalysts and the Purge Beam Emitters. These mechanics could be ignored in Story Mode but cannot be in Veteran Mode. DPS have to coordinate destroying the Ignition Catalysts before they explode and wipe the group, while one player (nearly always a healer) will have responsibility for using the Deflection Field Module to grant the team necessary buffs and deprive the CFA Railgun turrets of buffs.
The third phase has all the same mechanics as in Story Mode except proper execution is much more important to keep damage taken manageable. Atomic Scattering does very high group damage and should be mitigated as often as possible using the Gravity Distortion Device, Ignite Core is a much tougher DPS check and Extinction Protocol lacks the warning it receives in Story Mode and includes a self-heal mechanic. Teams with very high DPS can potentially skip Extinction Protocol altogether.
Most groups will spend the majority of progression learning the new mechanics in Phases 1 and 2. Once the group consistently reaches Phase 3 and Scyva, a clear should come relatively quickly after the group internalizes the timing for key mechanics like Atomic Scattering.
Group Composition
A traditional group composition (2 tanks, 2 healers, 4 DPS in 8m, 2 / 3-4 / 10-11 in 16m) is appropriate for Veteran Mode. Groups may consider running with only 1 tank particularly in 8m, as it helps significantly with the DPS check to destroy Ignition Catalysts in Phase 2 and may enable the team to skip Extinction Protocol in Phase 3.
Pre-Fight Preparation
The key points to discuss before the fight are as follows:
Phase 1 positioning: Discuss where the team plans to position the OPD throughout the phase. A common strategy is starting the OPD near the left / East shield generator, then holding in the middle until the OPD is low, then pulling it directly in front of the right / West shield generator. Other teams may prefer a different approach. Teams should also discuss when and at what health levels to aim the beam at the OPD.
Phase 1 interrupts: The team should discuss a plan for managing interrupts of the OPD’s casts. Depending on the tank’s use of defensive cooldowns and/or tank swaps, the team may require few interrupts or many.
Phase 1 adds: Make sure the team is clear on the timing for destroying adds to root the OPD.
Passing the Deflection Field Module: The entire team should know how to identify if they received the Deflection Field Module (goes to whomever gets killing blow on OPD) and how / to whom they should pass the device. The healer dealing with the Purge Beam Emitters in Phase 2 should get the device.
Phase 2 Purge Beam Emitter shielding: The healer handling the Deflection Field Module should understand this mechanic and the pattern for shielding beams. The usual pattern is Blue 3 times, then Red 3 times, then Blue 1 time. This provides the optimal benefit and duration of buffs going into Phase 3.
Phase 2 DPS assignments to Ignition Catalysts: The bombs will cycle through a pattern that includes single and double bombs. The team needs to know who is going to which bomb particularly in phases where double bombs are present.
Phase 3 Atomic Scattering: The entire team needs to understand how Atomic Scattering works, when it goes out and how to mitigate its damage via the Gravity Distortion Device. This should include a pre-assigned player to receive the module and use it for each Atomic Scattering.
Extinction Protocol: The team should discuss a general pattern of movement to avoid getting in each other’s way during Extinction Protocol. A simple example is everyone running in a clockwise direction.
Strategy Key Points
The strategy for the Scyva encounter has the following key points:
(Phase 1) Position the OPD near the shield generator being targeted. The OPD has to be hit by the Disintegrate beam and deflect it into a shield generator to destroy it. Positioning the OPD right in front of the generator is the safest/easiest position. It is also possible to keep the OPD in the middle of the room but positioning is much more precise if so.
(Phase 1) Interrupt OPD casts or coordinate tank cooldowns/swaps. The OPD will alternate between casting Explosive Force and Accelerated Destruction. The usual strategy is to interrupt all casts, though if so Accelerated Destruction will go out frequently and Explosive Force will be a raid wipe. The alternative is to have the tank use a defensive cooldown during Accelerated Destruction and tank swap, in which case Explosive Force can be interrupted but will not be a raid wipe if missed.
(Phase 1) Destroy the Stasis Swarm Droids before Disintegrate to root OPD. Each Stasis Swarm Droid drops a green Stasis Field puddle when it is destroyed. The Stasis Field lasts for 8 seconds and roots the OPD in place. Without a Stasis Field, the OPD will leap out to avoid any Disintegrate beams aimed at it.
(Phase 1) Push OPD to sub-5% and destroy both Shield Generators to end Phase 1. The OPD cannot be destroyed until both Shield Generators have been destroyed by hitting the OPD with a Disintegrate beam such that the deflected beam hits the generator. The team should burn the OPD down to sub-5% before destroying the second Shield Generator, as the team needs the OPD to go down immediately as the phase ends.
(Phase 2) A Healer should receive the Deflection Field Module. The player who dealt the killing blow to the OPD will receive the Deflection Field Module. They should immediately transfer it to the healer assigned to deal with Purge Beam Emitters in Phase 2.
(Phase 2) A tank should stand in front of the East / Blue CFA Railgun. The East / Blue CFA Railgun is far more dangerous than the West / Red, so the main tank (or only tank if solo tanking) should stand directly in front of it to take all or as many of its attacks as possible. Damage should be survivable so long as the healer handles the Purge Beam Emitters correctly.
(Phase 2) A Healer should use the Deflection Field Module to block Purge Beam Emitters. The Healer should stand in the path of one of the Blue or Red beams that fire to the Emergency Purge in the middle of the room. The Deflection Field temporary ability lasts 8 seconds and has a 5 second cooldown so should be kept up continually in this phase. The Healer should try to shield the first 3 Blue beams, then 3 Red beams, than 1 Blue beam. This provides necessary buffs to the team and deprives the CFA Railguns of buffs to make the phase as easy as possible.
(Phase 2) DPS need to destroy the Ignition Catalysts before they finish Ignite Reaction cast. The Ignition Catalysts spawn in a predictable pattern during this phase. Each bomb will cast Ignite Reaction over 18 seconds and will wipe the group if they complete the cast. DPS need to coordinate to destroy the bombs. The group will need to deal with double bombs and thus coordinate to split DPS accordingly.
(Phase 3) Use Gravity Distortion Device to avoid Atomic Scattering damage. Atomic Scattering damage can be avoided by activating the Gravity Distortion Device while the team stands on the East / low-gravity side of the room. This action punts the team into the air and avoids damage.
(Phase 3) Stand on West side of room during Upheaval. Upheaval is less damaging if players stand on the West / high-gravity side of the room, which prevents them from being knocked into the air.
(Phase 3) DPS is needed to allow interrupt of Ignite Core. Ignite Core deals more damage the longer the channel continues and typically will wipe the group if not interrupted. The ability cannot be interrupted until sufficient damage is dealt to the group.
(Phase 3) Kite Radiance to blue orbs and avoid hitting purple orbs. Similar to Story Mode, the tank should kite Radiance to clip one blue orb at a time and avoid clipping a purple orb as the explosion is far more damaging in Veteran Mode.
(Phase 3) Avoid red circles during Extinction Protocol. Extinction Protocol functions similarly to Story Mode except there is no warning “Initialize Extinction Protocol” mechanic. Teams with very high DPS can skip Extinction Protocol but all groups should be prepared and coordinated to move around to avoid the red AoEs of death.
Detailed Strategy
Phase 1 - Omega Protocol Droid (OPD)
The overall mechanic to complete Phase 1 in Veteran Mode is the same as in Story Mode. The team needs to destroy the two Shield Generators in the back corners of the room. Veteran Mode makes this process much more difficult by adding mechanics to each step of the process and making the OPD more dangerous to the team. The team must coordinate its positioning and target selection to root the OPD in place by destroying Stasis Swarm Droids at the right time and properly aim the Disintegrate beams at the OPD so that the deflected beam hits the Shield Generator. The team also needs to manage the OPD’s Explosive Force and Accelerated Destruction abilities to avoid wiping and to make sure the OPD is ready to kill when you destroy the second Shield Generator.
Phase 1 Veteran Mode
Destroying Shield Generators
Destroying the Shield Generators is much more complicated in Veteran Mode. The beams themselves cannot directly damage the Shield Generator. The only way to damage the Shield Generators is to deflect the Disintegrate beam through the OPD and hit the generator with a deflected beam.
As in Story Mode, only one beam hit is necessary to destroy each Shield Generator.
The OPD will not stand still and easily let you shoot it with the beam, though. The OPD has a new buff, Emergency Deflection Shield, that causes it to jump out of the Disintegrate beam path.
The OPD also has a buff carrying over from Story Mode, Omega Immunity, that finds relevant here making the OPD immune to any player abilities to CC, slow, stun or root the OPD in the beam path.
Emergency Deflection Shield
In Veteran Mode, the OPD will normally jump out of the way of the Sterilization Array beams. If the OPD is immobilized by a Stasis Field, then the OPD will be hit by a Sterilization Array beam. Instead of taking damage, the OPD will deflect the beam into a split "V" shaped beam behind it. This split beam can damage a Shield Generator.
Omega Immunity
This buff is applied to the OPD when combat begins. The buff prevents players from using CC's, slows, roots and stuns to prevent the OPD from moving, which prevents players from using abilities to keep the OPD in the path of the Disintegrate beam.
The OPD jumps out of the Disintegrate beam path.
The secret to destroying the generator lies with the Stasis Swarm Droids, the little floating droids that spawn from each side of the room and slowly float towards the players. When destroyed, these droids each drop a green AoE puddle with a radius of 5m that persists for 8 seconds and roots the OPD in place if it is inside the AoE.
The strategy for destroying each Shield Generator is to time the destruction of nearby Stasis Swarm Droids no more than 8 seconds before the next Disintegrate beam.
Disintegrate has a 15 second cooldown so the team should wait around 10 seconds after the previous Disintegrate then use AoE attacks to kill the Stasis Swarm Droids near the OPD.
Stasis Field
Debuff applied by the Stasis Swarm Droid when they are destroyed. The Stasis Field debuff immobilizes the OPD for 8 seconds. The Stasis Field is visualized by a green circle on the floor.
Notice how we destroy 2 Stasis Swarm Droids with AoE attacks a few seconds before the Disintegrate beam fires, rooting the OPD in place and destroying the second Shield Generator.
Positioning the OPD & Lasers
The goal in Phase 1 is to hit the OPD with the Disintegrate laser from the Sterilization Array Module by pointing the blue telegraph at the OPD.
In Veteran Mode, the OPD must be rooted in place by a Stasis Field (green puddle) dropped after destroying a Stasis Swarm Droid.
When the positioning is correct, the beam hits the OPD and splits behind it. One of the split beams must hit the Shield Generator.
Tanks should position the OPD right in front of the Shield Generator they plan to destroy. Positioning can be a little tricky due to the beam splitting when it hits the OPD, so the closer to the Shield Generator the more consistently it should hit it.
Healers should stay at range to ensure they are the marked target from the Sterilization Array Modules and aim the Disintegrate conal.
Due to the positioning for this phase in Veteran Mode, the diagonal beam is the most important and most likely to hit the generator.
I strongly suggest the healers avoid pointing the first beam at the OPD. Stasis Swarm Droids do not spawn in time for the first beam, so it is recommended to point those beams away from the OPD so it does not leap then hit it with the second pair of beams.
This screenshot shows me (a healer) aiming the next Disintegrate at the OPD while it is rooted by Stasis Field to destroy the Shield Generator.
This screenshot shows the OPD hit by the Disintegrate after my previous positioning and destroying the second Shield Generator to end Phase 1.
This screenshots is a close-up look at the OPD being hit by Disintegrate while rooted by Stasis Field. Notice how both beams split in a "Y" shape and the right "fork" of the beam from the opposite diagonal corner hits the Shield Generator to destroy it.
Positioning after 1st Shield Generator
The OPD is not automatically destroyed when you clear Phase 1. The team needs to avoid destroying both Shield Generators until the OPD is sub-5%. The OPD cannot be destroyed until Phase 1 is cleared, so ideally the OPD should be at 1% when you destroy the second shield generator.
There are a few common strategies to avoid accidentally pushing the phase early. The first strategy is to hold the OPD in between the Shield Generators after the first generator is down and wait until the OPD is sub-5% before moving into position near the second generator. The second strategy is to move the OPD straight to the second generator but point the Disintegrate beams away from the OPD until the team is ready.
I greatly prefer holding the OPD in the middle. This strategy avoids pushing the phase early, which will likely be a wipe due to DPS being unable to finish the OPD and still get to the bombs in time. This strategy also lets the team continue to hit the OPD with Disintegrate beams and reduce its health much faster, or if the OPD jumps out of the way then the positioning is far less annoying than trying to keep it in position near the generator.
The OPD takes around 20% damage from each Disintegrate beam and will be hit with one to destroy the first Shield Generator. I have found hitting the OPD with two beams in the middle along with the previous beam plus group DPS lets us push the OPD down to sub-5% within about 30 seconds if timed properly. Good positioning lets the phase go really quickly.
Example positioning of the OPD in between the Shield Generators. Depending on the OPD's health when the first generator is destroyed, you may want to skip this position and move straight to the second generator.
OPD Damage Mechanics in 1st Phase
The primary damage mechanics to consider in Phase 1 are the OPD’s Accelerated Destruction and Explosive Force abilities. Accelerated Destruction is a channeled attack that deals a lot of damage and places a huge healing received debuff on the tank. Explosive Force is a group-wide damage attack. Both abilities can be interrupted.
The OPD uses Accelerated Destruction anytime it reaches 11 stacks of Priming Ignition. Letting the OPD fully channel Accelerated Destruction resets its stacks. Priming Ignition buffs the OPD’s damage by 35% per stack. Explosive Force does minimal damage at low stacks and is a group wipe at high stacks.
The simple strategy in Veteran Mode is to interrupt these abilities every time. Quick interrupts on Accelerated Destruction keep the tank with few stacks of Critical Injury (-6% healing received for 15 seconds per stack). The OPD will not drop many stacks of Priming Ignition and so will try to channel Accelerated Destruction very frequently. The OPD’s basic attacks will deal a lot more damage with this strategy though are simple to heal through. The biggest danger is that Explosive Force is a group wipe with the OPD at high stacks.
The alternative strategy is to let the OPD channel Accelerated Destruction and tank swap. The tank uses a defensive cooldown to take Accelerated Destruction then the other tank picks up the OPD. This strategy keeps the OPD at much lower average stacks and then group interrupts can solely focus on Explosive Force.
I recommend interrupting all abilities for most groups as it is simpler and enables the solo tank strategy that makes the final phase easier.
Omega Scattering Field
Just like in Story Mode, the OPD reflects any damage outside its green shield. All players should be inside the shield when attacking the OPD.
Priming Ignition
Increases damage done by OPD by 35% per stack. The OPD generates stacks of Priming Ignition every few seconds. The OPD gains the All Systems Primed buff at 11 stacks. Each tick of damage from Accelerated Desutrction removes 1 stack.
All Systems Primed
Buff applied to the OPD when it reaches 11 stacks of Priming Ignition and enables use of Accelerated Destruction.
Accelerated Destruction
5 second channeled attack by the Omega Protocol Droid that ticks every 0.5 seconds. The channel deals damage and applies 1 stack of Critical Injury for each tick of damage. Accelerated Destruction can be interrupted.
Explosive Force
3 second cast damage ability by the OPD. Explosive Force deals damage to all players that increases based on the number of OPD's stacks of Priming Ignition. At high stacks Explosive Force will wipe the group. Explosive Force can be interrupted.
Critical Injury
Stacking debuff applied to players by each tick of damage from Accelerated Destruction. Critical Injury lasts for 15 seconds. Each stack reduces healing received by 6%. A full channel of Accelerated Destruction will typically apply around 13 stacks, which reduces healing received by up to 78%.
Notice how Accelerated Destruction is channeled at 11 stacks and then steadily drops stacks until it is interrupted.
Transition to Phase 2
Phase 1 ends when the second Shield Generator is destroyed by a deflected Disintegrate beam. The OPD is not automatically destroyed, so DPS need to continue attacking the OPD until it is destroyed. This should happen almost immediately to avoid falling behind on Ignition Catalyst bombs in Phase 2.
The player who deals the killing blow to the OPD gets the Deflection Field Module. This device grants the temporary shield ability that is critical to Phase 2. This module needs to be immediately passed to the healer dealing with this mechanic in Phase 2.
The module can be transferred by selecting the healer in the ops frame then clicking the right button to transfer it.
Player who deals killing blow to OPD gets the Deflection Field Module that has these temporary abilities. Use the right ability to transfer the device to the healer shielding the Purge Beam in Phase 2.
Phase 2 - CFA Railgun Turrets
Phase 2 is very different in Veteran Mode compared to Story Mode. The overall mission is the same to destroy both CFA Railgun turrets, but mechanics that were automatic or could be ignored in Story Mode now will take most of the team’s focus during this phase.
The primary mechanics are the tank(s) handling the East/Blue CFA Railgun, a healer shielding the Purge Beam Emitter lasers and DPS destroying the Ignition Catalyst bombs before they explode and wipe the group. A secondary goal is to optimize the stacks of red and blue buffs provided to the team going into Phase 3.
Phase 2 Positioning
(text on the red/blue buffs is still Story Mode, see below for correct info)
Healer & Deflection Field Module
The trickiest mechanic in Phase 2 is the healer’s job to shield the Purge Beam Emitter. This mechanic is critical for the team to survive the CFA Railgun damage.
First, the healer needs to get the Deflection Field Module immediately after the ODP goes down. See above for an example of the temporary ability bar.
The Active Deflection Field ability has a 5 second cooldown and provides a buff with an 8 second duration, so the ability should be used to keep full uptime on the shield to ensure no lasers are missed.
The Purge Beam Emitters fire every 12 seconds during Phase 2 and seven times in total. Each time the beams fire they add a stack of the corresponding color buff to the CFA Railgun turret on that side of the room. Put differently, the East Railgun gets stacks of Anomalous Entropy and the West Railgun gets stacks of Unstable Acceleration.
The team gets stacks of a buff for each laser that is shielded using the Deflection Module. Adding a stack refreshes the duration of that buff.
The healer’s goal should be to shield a laser all seven times. The usual order is Blue -> Blue -> Red -> Red -> Blue -> Red -> Blue. This gets the team four stacks of Anomalous Entropy (Blue) and 3 stacks of Unstable Acceleration with at least two minutes of duration during Phase 3 attacking Scyva. Maximizing these stacks is very helpful in Phase 3.
Anomalous Entropy
If applied to the CFA Railgun Turret
60 second duration buff applied to the East CFA Railgun by Emergency Purge if the Blue Beam is not shielded by a player using the Deflection Field Module. The buff has the following effects in Veteran Mode and can stack up to 4 times:
+9% ability channeling time (i.e., decreases frequency of attacks)
+25% damage done
If applied to the Player
The buff lasts for 165 seconds (2:45 minutes) and can stack up to 10 times. The buff applies the following benefits in Veteran Mode:
+20% damage taken (this effect is only applied once and does not stack)
+20% max health
+10% ability activation/channeling time (i.e., decreases your alacrity)
-10% energy regeneration rate
+20% damage done
+10% healing done
+10% threat generation
Players are healed for 10% of HP when a stack is applied
Unstable Acceleration
If applied to the CFA Railgun Turret
60 second duration buff applied to the West CFA Railgun by Emergency Purge if the Red Beam is not shielded by a player using the Deflection Field Module. The buff has the following effects in Veteran Mode and can stack up to 4 times:
-18% ability channeling time (i.e., increases frequency of attacks)
If applied to the Player
The buff lasts for 165 seconds (2:45 minutes) and can stack up to 4 times. The buff applies the following benefits in Veteran Mode (per stack unless otherwise noted):
+20% damage taken (this effect is only applied once and does not stack)
-11% healing received
-11% ability activation/channeling time (i.e., increases your alacrity)
+11% energy regeneration rate
-11% shield chance
-11% glance chance
Example of Healer positioning to shield the Blue Purge Beam Emitter.
Tank(s) & CFA Railgun Turrets
Tanking the CFA Railgun Turrets is fairly simple provided the healer is properly shielding the Purge Beam Emitter. Solo tanking is fairly easy as well.
The tank should position themselves directly in front of the turret. The turret will target random players but its attack is a projectile attack that can be blocked physically by the tank. The attack has a knockback component.
The CFA Railgun Turrets themselves are buffed during the phase by the Purge Beam Emitter as noted above. The nature of the buffs is that the East/Blue turret is far more dangerous because each stack increases its damage dealt by 25% up to a maximum of 100%. The West/Red turret receives a buff to its cast time but its damage dealt is nominal and does not require a tank to hold it.
If the healer successfully shields the Purge Beam Emitter, then the buffs to the team should keep up with the turrets and the damage should be relatively easy to handle. If the team falls behind or misses several stacks then the damage can become very difficult to tank.
DPS & Ignition Catalysts
The DPS have a straightforward task in Phase 2 to destroy the Ignition Catalysts. They spawn in a predictable order and must be destroyed before they complete their 18 second cast to wipe the group. The DPS then attack the East/Blue CFA Railgun turret during any downtime and after the Ignition Catalysts despawn and then attack the West/Red CFA Railgun turret to complete the phase.
The Ignition Catalysts spawn East -> West -> East & West -> West -> East & West. An eighth bomb will spawn in the East but will despawn and can be ignored.
All DPS should generally assist with destroying single Ignition Catalysts and split DPS for doubles. Solo tanking Scyva helps a lot with this phase to have a fifth DPS player and healers should add DPS if possible during both double bomb phases.
Ignite Reaction
18 second cast by the Ignition Catalyst that cannot be interrupted. The bomb explodes and wipes the group if the cast completes.
Phase 3 - Scyva 100% - 31%
Phase 3 has essentially the same mechanics as Story Mode except that damage is much higher and some mechanics cannot be ignored or easily healed through. The most important of these mechanics is Atomic Scattering, which can be mitigated by using the Gravity Distortion Module. Other mechanics such as Upheaval, Ignite Core and Radiance are similar to Story Mode. Players should continue to avoid standing on the purple floor just as in Story Mode.
Damage from Atomic Scattering is much more dangerous in Veteran Mode so planning for it and successfully using the Gravity Distortion Module to avoid damage on at least some team members is critical.
Teams with high DPS and/or with an extra DPS by solo tanking the encounter can potentially skip the Extinction Protocol mechanic, so I recommend saving big offensive cooldowns and raid buffs for the opening of this phase.
Phase 3
Atomic Scattering
Atomic Scattering is the most important mechanic to manage during Phase 3 prior to Extinction Protocol. The ability has a 50 second cooldown and a 5 second cast time. When the cast finishes it deals damage to the entire team through an expanding energy wave along the ground. Atomic Scattering happens shortly after Phase 3 begins and approximately on cooldown thereafter.
Atomic Scattering damage can be avoided entirely by using the Gravity Distortion Module. The player with the module clicks the Inverse Gravity button with about 1 second left on the Atomic Scatting cast time, which punts every player on the East side of the room (with the Reduce Gravity green buff) into the air and they subsequently avoid damage from Atomic Scattering.
Throughout Phase 3, any time Atomic Scattering is used the player with the device should use it with 1 second on the cast to punt every player on the East side of the room. All players should try to get to the East side for this mechanic if possible or hit a defensive cooldown if unable to do so.
Reduce Gravity
Buff applied to players on the East side of the room. Gravity is reduced so they are affected strongly by Upheaval and the Gravity Module.
Amplify Gravity
Buff applied to players on the West side of the room. Gravity is strengthened so they are affected only slightly by Upheaval and the Gravity Module.
Inverse Gravity
Temporary ability with a 10 second cooldown that applies the Inverse Gravity buff to all players and triggers a "knock up" effect by reversing gravity temporarily. Any players on the East side of the room are punted up into the air and avoid damage from various abilities such as Atomic Scattering. Any players on the West side do not avoid damage.
Atomic Scattering
Scyva alternates between Atomic Excitation and Atomic Compression after each use of Atomic Scattering.
Atomic Excitation creates a toroidal-shaped ring around the inner area. Passing through the ring deals extremely heavy damage and kill a player in less than two seconds. Players outside the ring can use teleport based abilities like Shadow Stride to pass through it without taking damage.
Atomic Scattering as Phase 3 begins and timing for use of Inverse Gravity
Atomic Excitation & Atomic Compression
Each use of Atomic Scattering alternates between Atomic Excitation and Atomic Compression. The first Atomic Scattering activates Atomic Excitation. This means every Atomic Scattering Scyva will alternate between having a ring of death around the room and having a reflect shield around her.
During Atomic Excitation players should avoid passing through the energy ring at all costs as it deals very high damage. During Atomic Compression players and particularly healers should expect to take significantly more damage.
Atomic Excitation
Scyva alternates between Atomic Excitation and Atomic Compression after each use of Atomic Scattering.
Atomic Excitation creates a toroidal-shaped ring around the inner area. Passing through the ring deals extremely heavy damage and kill a player in less than two seconds. Players outside the ring can use teleport based abilities like Shadow Stride to pass through it without taking damage.
Example of Atomic Excitation ring
Atomic Compression
Scyva alternates between Atomic Excitation and Atomic Compression after each use of Atomic Scattering.
Atomic Compression removes the toroidal-shaped ring around the inner area and shrinks it down to the hexagon immediately around Scyva. Standing in the hexagon deals heavy damage and Scyva reflects 35% of damage dealt back to the attackers while the buff is active.
Example of Atomic Compression reflect shield around Scyva
Tanking Scyva
Tanking Scyva is similar to Story Mode. The tank(s) should stand on the East side of the room and generally try to avoid standing near any DPS or healers. Their primary job is to aim the Radiance conal to hit one blue orb per cast and avoid hitting any purple orbs.
Scyva’s main attack prior to Extinction Protocol is Deconstruct. This attack deals moderate damage but makes Scyva immune to taunts during its channel, so make sure to avoid taunting Scyva during any channeled abilities if possible.
The main mechanic to watch out for is Prioritize. If a player without aggro stands in front of the tank during Deconstruct, they get stacks of Prioritize that dramatically increase their aggro. Watch for this and make sure DPS avoid standing in front of the tanks. On the flip side, teams with two tanks can use this mechanic to build stacks of Prioritize intentionally to facilitate a tank swap and build a huge aggro lead.
If a DPS player pulls aggro from the tank, the tank should go stand in front of them. This will cause them to build stacks of Prioritize and quickly pull back aggro even if they have difficulty taunting!
3 second channeled attack by Scyva at its target with no cooldown. The Deconstruct attack ticks every 1 second. Scyva is immune to interrupts or taunts while channeling Deconstruct.
The Deconstruct channel can be LoS'd by other players. This can be dangerous as the beam also applies stacks of Prioritize to any other player who takes damage from Deconstruct without aggro on Scyva.
Deconstruct is Scyva's basic attack any time other abilities are on cooldown and is used frequently above 30% health prior to the first channel of Extinction Protocol.
Debuff applied to players who take a tick of damage from Deconstruct when they do not have aggro on Scyva. The debuff lasts for 15 seconds and can stack up to 20 times. Each stack of Prioritize increases threat generated by that player by 25%. Deconstruct ticks once per second so a player can easily get 3-4 stacks from a single Channel of Deconstruct if they are standing between Scyva and the tank.
Other Mechanics
Several mechanics are very similar in Veteran Mode as in Story Mode. These are summarized below for completeness with some brief thoughts. Players who can handle these mechanics in Story Mode can do so in Veteran Mode with minimal difficulty.
2 second cast ability that immobilizes and launches players into the air. Upheaval has a 15 second cooldown. Players can avoid being launched into the air by standing on the West side of the room with higher gravity, where players are immobilized for about one second.
2.1 second cast ability with a 13 second cooldown. Radiance applies a conal telegraph during its cast time that indicates its area of effect. Scyva is immune to interrupts or taunts while casting Radiance.
If the Radiance conal affects any of the three target nodes (spheres) floating around Scyva, they receive the Energized debuff and turn purple. If the target node is already purple then it will explode and deal very heavy damage to the team.
Ignite Core
10.2 second channeled attack by Scyva. Ignite Core deals increasing damage to players as it channels. The ability ticks every 0.5 seconds so will tick 20 times over its cast. If the cast completes then a huge explosion will wipe the group.
Phase 3.5 - Scyva 30% - 0%
The last phase of the encounter begins after the latter of 2:10 minutes (130 seconds) into Phase 4 or when Scyva reaches 30% health.
Phase “3.5” or the Extinction Protocol phase can be skipped if DPS is high enough to defeat Scyva before the first Extinction Protocol. Teams with 8 players that solo tank or teams with 16 players that have everyone up have a decent chance to do so with high DPS. Having optimized stacks of the Red/Blue buffs from Phase 2 helps a lot as does saving offensive cooldowns for the beginning of Phase 3.
The team needs to be prepared for Extinction Protocol anyway just in case they cannot skip.
Extinction Protocol itself is very dangerous in Veteran Mode, similarly to Story Mode. Scyva also heals up to 20% of maximum health after the cast of Initialize Extinction Protocol completes, which can be frustrating if the team is close to a kill.
After the first Extinction Protocol, Scyva becomes significantly more dangerous and deals much more damage through a reduced cooldown and cast time on Atomic Scattering and upgrading several attacks to more dangerous versions.
Extinction Protocol
Extinction Protocol is identical in Veteran Mode. You get a brief warning before the first Extinction Protocol then should stay on the move to avoid nearly instant death. Each tick of damage from Extinction Protocol deals more damage in Veteran Mode but it is not that noticeable since it can almost instantly kill you in Story Mode as well.
Initialize Extinction Protocols
3 second channeled ability by Scyva that warns players Scyva is about to begin channeling Extinction Protocol. This warning ability is only prior to the first channel of Extinction Protocol. See below for more details on Extinction Protocol.
Scyva will initiate Extinction Protocol the later of 130 seconds (2:10 minutes) after Scyva is engaged directly by the ops team or when it reaches 30% health. Completing the Initiate Extinction Protocols cast will also heal Scyva up to 20% health if its health is below 20% at that time.
Extinction Protocol
5 second channeled ability by Scyva. Extinction Protocol ticks every 0.5 seconds and places a red circle underneath the feet of a random player. Scyva then takes 2 seconds to target the red circle with a laser beam attack. If the player is still within the red circle when it begins ticking, they will die almost immediately.
Zoomed in clip showing how Scyva heals up to 20% with first Extinction
After Extinction Protocol
After Extinction Protocol, Scyva gains the Unlimited buff and becomes far more dangerous. Atomic Scattering goes out much faster and can deal very heavy group damage if not avoided using the Gravity Distortion Module. Deconstruct gets upgraded to Destroy and places a painful debuff on the tank.
The team's primary goal during this phase is to avoid damage from Extinction Protocol and use the Gravity Distortion Device to mitigate as much damage from the frequent Atomic Scattering attacks as possible. Most groups will struggle to keep up with damage so it is very much a race to destroy Scyva before it wipes the team.
Groups with two tanks should swap when one tank gets high stacks of Extraordinary Trauma. Tanks running solo should try and save big defensive cooldowns for this phase if possible.
Buff added to Scyva when she begins channeling Extinction Protocol for the first time. The buff removes the limitations on Scyva's ability usage and mean that Extinction Protocol will now begin to be used more frequently and the buffs associated with Atomic Scattering will change.
Extinction Protocol
Extinction Protocol's cooldown is reduced to 30 seconds and no warning precedes its use.
Atomic Scattering
Atomic Scattering's cooldown is reduce from 50 seconds to 15 seconds.
Atomic Excitation becomes Mass Synthesis. Mass Synthesis functions similarly but deals more damage if you pass through the energy ring.
Atomic Compression becomes Atomic Destruction. Atomic Destructions functions similarly but only reflects 20% of damage dealt to Scyva instead of 35%.
Deconstruct becomes Destroy. Destroy deals significantly more damage to the target and applies stacks of Extraordinary Trauma.
Extraordinary Trauma
Stacking debuff added by taking damage from Scyva's Destroy attack during Phase 3 after Extinction Protocol. Each stack reduce healing received by 5% up to a maximum of 20 stacks and -100% healing received.
Role Discussion
Phase 1
Tanks should position the OPD in front of the first Shield Generator. Help interrupt Explosive Force. Depending on group strategy either help interrupt Accelerating Destruction or use a defensive cooldown and tank swap.
After the first Shield Generator is destroyed, move the OPD according to the team’s plan to either hold in the middle until the OPD is sub-5% or move directly to the second Shield Generator. If you get the Deflection Field Module then pass it immediately to the designated healer.
Phase 2
Face tank the East/Blue CFA Railgun and try to make sure you take as many of the hits as possible to spare the non-tank players.
Phase 3
Tank Scyva on the East/Low Gravity side of the room. Avoid using taunts while Scyva is casting or channeling abilities as she is frequently immune. Avoid standing in purple.
Face Radiance conals to only clip one blue orb and avoid hitting multiple orbs or especially any purple orbs.
If a DPS pulls aggro, stand between them and Scyva to build up stacks of Prioritize to buff threat generation and taunt back when possible.
Avoid dying to Extinction Protocol. After the first Extinction be aggressive with defensive cooldowns to mitigate damage from Destroy and tank swap as necessary to deal with the Extraordinary Trauma debuff.
Phase 1
Stand outside the shield and near a designated railgun to aim the Disintegrate beams towards the OPD per the team’s strategy to destroy the Shield Generators. Help interrupt Explosive Force and/or Accelerated Destruction if necessary. The biggest burst healing will take place when the tank takes damage from Accelerated Destruction or if Explosive Force goes out.
When the team clears Phase 1, remind the team to pass the Deflection Field Module to the designated healer for Phase 2.
Phase 2
The designated healer should use the Deflection Field Module to deflect lasers from the Purge Beam Emitter. The preferred order is Blue x2 - Red x3 - Blue x2. If you miss the first one then continue the pattern with Blue then Red x3 then Blue x2.
The primary healing target in this phase should be the tank dealing with the East/Blue CFA Railgun.
Phase 3
Move to the East / Low Gravity side for each Atomic Scattering to mitigate damage with the Gravity Distortion Module but otherwise stand on the West / High Gravity side. Avoid standing on purple floors.
Single target and group damage can be very high in this phase. Listen for call outs from the tank if they lose aggro and prioritize healing to the non-tank with Scyva aggro.
The team will take significant group damage any time Atomic Scattering goes out or whenever Atomic Compression or Ignite Core is active.
Do not heal during Extinction Protocol. Anyone who takes damage from this mechanic will die and you cannot heal them through it. Prioritize keeping yourself alive and resume healing when the 5 second mechanic ends.
Healing after the first Extinction Protocol can be very stressful. Be aware that a tank with high stacks of Extraordinary Trauma will not get much effective healing. The most difficult mechanic to heal through is Atomic Scattering’s high group wide damage and high frequency. Be prepared for another Extinction Protocol every 30 seconds.
If at all possible try to save big cooldowns for after the first Extinction Protocol as it is significantly more stressful than any other phase in this fight.
Phase 1
Attack the OPD and help interrupt Explosive Force and Accelerating Destruction per the team’s strategy. Avoid AoE attacks when the Stasis Field from destroyed Stasis Swarm Droids will be wasted and be ready to AoE down droids when instructed to do so.
Watch to see if you get the Deflection Field Module and if so pass it to the appropriate healer.
Phase 2
DPS priority is Ignition Catalysts first and only attack the East/Blue CFA Railgun during downtime or after the bombs are gone. The bombs spawn East / West / East+West / West / East+West. The last East bomb can be ignored as it will despawn. DPS should coordinate to split for doubles and help call out health so that other DPS or healers can help if the team falls behind on a bomb.
After the bombs are gone, focus down the East/Blue CFA Railgun then the West/Red CFA Railgun.
Phase 3
Move to the East / Low Gravity side for each Atomic Scattering to mitigate damage with the Gravity Distortion Module but otherwise stay on the West / High Gravity side. Avoid standing on purple floors or adjacent to purple orbs.
Use defensive cooldowns to mitigate damage from Atomic Scattering. Low cooldown defensives should be used aggressively to mitigate reflect damage from Ignite Core or Atomic Compression.
Be ready for and avoid dying to Extinction Protocol. Do not worry about dealing damage during this phase.
Fight Abilities & Mechanics
Abilities / Mechanics - Omega Protocol Droid (OPD)
Ambient Reinforcement
The shield generators provide an ambient layer of protection which prevent the OPD from being destroyed while they remain active.
This buff is present on the OPD pre-fight. It requires that the shield generators in the back corners of the room be destroyed before the team will be able to destroy the OPD.
Omega Immunity
Immune to disabling and movement impairing effects.
This buff is applied to the OPD when combat begins. The buff prevents players from using CC's, slows, roots and stuns to prevent the OPD from moving. This buff is relevant to mechanics in higher difficulties but not relevant to Story Mode.
Please note that Omega Immunity does NOT make the OPD immune to push and pull ability effects.
Combat Analysis
Analyzing enemy defense tactics, if this effect expires the OPD's outgoing damage will increase by 300%.
Combat Analysis is the Phase 1 enrage timer on the OPD. In Story Mode and Hard/Veteran Mode, Combat Analysis lasts for 6 minutes (360 seconds), while in Nightmare/Master Mode it only lasts for 2:15 minutes (135 seconds). Combat Analysis expiring causes the OPD to receive the Unstoppable enrage buff.
Increases all outgoing damage by 300%.
Enrage buff applied if Combat Analysis buff expires.
Omega Scattering Field
Reflects all incoming damage dealt from sources greater than 8m from the caster.
Buff active on the OPD that applies a shield with an 8m radius that reflects damage from players outside the shield. Players dealing damage to the droid need to be inside the shield.
Priming Ignition
Each stack of this effect augments the intensity and alacrity of Explosive Force and Accelerated Destruction.
Priming Ignition is a stacking buff applied to the OPD during combat. The stacks build approximately one every second or two. Stacks do not build while another ability is being cast or channeled.
When the OPD reaches 11 stacks, it receives the All Systems Primed debuff and begins channeling Accelerated Destruction. Each tick from the Accelerated Destruction channel removes a stack of Priming Ignition.
Each stack of Priming Ignition increases the damage done by the Omega Protocol Droid by 35%. Explosive Force becomes a group wipe ability if it is cast at high stacks of Priming Ignition.
All Systems Primed
Preparing to execute.
Buff applied to the OPD when it reaches 11 stacks of Priming Ignition and enables use of Accelerated Destruction.
Accelerated Destruction
5 second channeled attack by the Omega Protocol Droid that ticks every 0.5 seconds. The channel deals damage and applies 1 stack of Critical Injury for each tick of damage (see below - Critical Injury reduces healing received). Accelerated Destruction can be interrupted.
In Veteran or Master Mode, Accelerated Destruction also reduces movement speed by 35% during its channel.
Explosive Force
3 second cast damage ability by the OPD. Explosive Force deals damage to all players that increases based on the number of OPD's stacks of Priming Ignition. At high stacks Explosive Force will wipe the group.
Explosive Force can be interrupted.
Coordinated Strike
1.2 second cast ability by OPD whenever it is out of melee range of the player with aggro. Teleports the OPD to the player with aggro. Coordinated Strike cannot be used while the OPD is immobilized by Stasis Field.
Emergency Deflection Shield (Veteran/Master Mode)
Compensating for immobilization by deflecting incoming energy attacks.
In Veteran or Master Mode, the OPD will normally jump out of the way of the Sterilization Array beams. If the OPD is immobilized by a Stasis Field (i.e., destroying a Stasis Swarm Droid within melee range of the OPD), then the OPD will be hit by a Sterilization Array beam. Instead of taking damage, the OPD will deflect the beam into a split "V" shaped beam behind it. This split beam can damage a Shield Generator.
Stasis Field
Captured in the stasis field.
Debuff applied by the Stasis Swarm Droid when they are destroyed. The Stasis Field debuff immobilizes the OPD for 8 seconds. This mechanic is key to defeating the OPD in Veteran or Master Mode.
Abilities / Mechanics - Stasis Swarm Droid
Stasis Field
Captured in the stasis field.
Debuff applied by the Stasis Swarm Droid when they are destroyed. The Stasis Field debuff immobilizes the OPD for 8 seconds and deals low damage. This mechanic is key to defeating the OPD in Veteran or Master Mode.
Atrophic Field
Movement speed and alacrity are reduced.
Channel attack by the Stasis Swarm Droid. The channel lasts for 10 seconds and applies 1 stack of Atrophic Field per second up to a maximum of 10 stacks and deals low damage. The attack has a 9 meter range and is only initiated against a player within 3 meters of the Stasis Swarm Droid. See below under player mechanics for details.
Abilities / Mechanics - Sterilization Array Module
Targeted laser beam attack from the Sterilization Array Module. A Disintegrate beam is fired from each Sterilization Array Module (i.e., there are 2 - NW and NE on the map). The beam is aimed on a linear trajectory towards the player with the Marked Target debuff. The Disintegrate beam is telegraphed by a semi-narrow blue conal and does not move once initially placed.
The Disintegrate beam has a variety of effects to different entities:
Players take damage from Disintegrate. Damage is low in Story Mode and scales with higher difficulties.
The OPD takes 20% damage from Disintegrate. In higher difficulties, the OPD will jump out of the way of Disintegrate unless affected by Stasis Field.
Stasis Swarm Droids take 50% damage from Disintegrate.
The Shield Generators are destroyed by Disintegrate. In higher difficulties, Disintegrate must hit the OPD and be split such that the split beam hits the Shield Generator.
Charging Capacitor
Building charge increases the damage of Disintegrate by 30%, will cause an overload upon reaching a critical threshold.
Stackable buff that increases damage of Sterilization Array Module's Disintegrate attack per stack up to 50 maximum stacks. Contrary to the description, the data suggests each stack increases damage done by 10% instead of 30%.
Marked Target
Sterilization Array Module targets the player closest to it and applies the Marked Target debuff. That player will be targeted by Disintegrate.
Abilities / Mechanics - CFA Railgun
This unit has perfect accuracy and intelligently prioritizes targets. Ignores normal threat rules.
Buff grants the CFA Railgun 250% accuracy for all attacks (Force, Tech, Weapon, Melee, Ranged).
Stabilizing Field
Applies a stabilizing field which negates application of Unstable Acceleration to entities within 7 meters of the CFA-Railgun.
Sterilization Array Module targets the player closest to it and applies the Marked Target debuff. That player will be targeted by Disintegrate.
High Velocity Round
Channeled attack by the CFA Railgun. The ability has a knockback effect on its target and can be LoS'd by a tank standing very near the turret.
Anomalous Entropy (Veteran Mode)
A stabilization of entropy dramatically enhances durability, reduces alacrity and increases the potency of healing and damage effects.
60 second duration buff applied to the East CFA Railgun by Emergency Purge if the Blue Beam is not shielded by a player using the Deflection Field Module. The buff has the following effects in Story Mode Mode and can stack up to 10 times:
+18% ability channeling time (i.e., decreases frequency of attacks)
In Veteran Mode the buff has the following effects and can stack up to 4 times:
+9% ability channeling time (i.e., decreases frequency of attacks)
+25% damage done
Unstable Acceleration (Veteran Mode)
Unstable acceleration of your system dramatically increases the speed at which you can use abilities at the cost of reducing your healing received.
60 second duration buff applied to the West CFA Railgun by Emergency Purge if the Red Beam is not shielded by a player using the Deflection Field Module. The buff has the following effects in Story Mode Mode and can stack up to 10 times:
-3% ability channeling time (i.e., increases frequency of attacks)
+6% damage done
In Veteran Mode the buff has the following effects and can stack up to 4 times:
-18% ability channeling time (i.e., increases frequency of attacks)
Abilities / Mechanics - Ignition Catalyst
Stabilizing Field
Immune to interruption.
The Ignition Catalyst cannot be interrupted. The only way to prevent them from exploding is to destroy them first.
Ignite Reaction
18s cast ability by Ignition Catalyst, after which it explodes and deals group wide damage. In Story Mode the explosion damage is survivable but in Veteran or Master Mode the group wipes if Ignite Reaction finishes on any Ignition Catalyst.
Abilities / Mechanics - Purge Beam Emitter/Emergency Purge
Blue Beam
Every 12 seconds, the Purge Beam Emitter's Blue Beam applies 1 stack per cast of Anomalous Entropy.
In Story Mode, the Purge Beam Emitter targets the closest player on the East side of the room and applies 1 stack of Anomalous Entropy to all players on the East side of the room.
In Veteran Mode, if the Blue Beam is shielded by a player using the Deflection Field Module then the stack is applied to the players, otherwise it is applied to the CFA Railgun on that side of the room.
Red Beam
Every 12 seconds, the Purge Beam Emitter's Blue Beam applies 1 stack per cast of Unstable Acceleration.
In Story Mode, the Purge Beam Emitter targets the closest player on the West side of the room and applies 1 stack of Unstable Acceleration to all players on the East side of the room.
In Veteran Mode, if the Red Beam is shielded by a player using the Deflection Field Module then the stack is applied to the players, otherwise it is applied to the CFA Railgun on that side of the room.
Organ Failure
After both CFA Railguns are destroyed, the Emergency Purge will deal moderate AoE damage every 6 seconds until Scyva comes down. This damage is straightforward to heal through given the team should not be taking any damage during this time.
Abilities / Mechanics - Scyva
Shield Matrix
Invulnerable to direct attack while protected by the Defense Matrix shielding.
Buff applied to Scyva during Phase 1 and Phase 2 that makes it immune to damage. The buff is removed when Scyva moves to the center of the room to engage the players.
Neutronic Decay
Purple colored sections of floor will tick for regular damage if players stand in them. Avoid!
Atomic Scattering
5s cast ability by Scyva with a 50 second cooldown. After the cast timer ends, Atomic Scattering deals damage to the entire room. The damage can be avoided by using the Gravity Distortion Module to punt players on the East side of the room into the air. Players on the West side of the room cannot avoid damage in this manner.
After the first Extinction Protocol and Scyva gains the Unlimited buff, Atomic Scattering's cast time is reduced to 2 seconds.
Atomic Excitation
This effect causes catastrophic damage to all organic lifeforms within its toroidal area while excited and those within its interior radius at ground level upon cycling into Atomic Compression.
Scyva receives the Atomic Excitation buff after the first use of Atomic Scattering and then alternates between Atomic Excitation and Atomic Compression after each subsequent use of Atomic Scattering until Scyva receives the Unlimited buff after the first channel of Extinction Protocol.
Atomic Excitation creates a toroidal-shaped ring around the inner area. Passing through the ring deals extremely heavy damage and kill a player in less than two seconds. Players outside the ring can use teleport based abilities like Shadow Stride to pass through it without taking damage.
Atomic Compression
Creates protective shell around Scyva which reflects 35% of damage dealt back to the attacker. Causes catastrophic damage to all organic forms at ground level upon cycling to Atomic Excitation.
Scyva alternates between Atomic Excitation and Atomic Compression after each use of Atomic Scattering until Scyva receives the Unlimited buff after the first channel of Extinction Protocol.
Atomic Compression removes the toroidal-shaped ring around the inner area and shrinks it down to the hexagon immediately around Scyva. Standing in the hexagon deals heavy damage and Scyva reflects 35% of damage dealt back to the attackers while the buff is active.
3 second channeled attack by Scyva at its target with no cooldown. The Deconstruct attack ticks every 1 second. Scyva benefits from the Advanced Target Selection buff during the channel time and is immune to interrupts or taunts.
The Deconstruct channel can be LoS'd by other players. This can be dangerous as the beam also applies stacks of Prioritize to any other player who takes damage from Deconstruct without aggro on Scyva.
Deconstruct is Scyva's basic attack any time other abilities are on cooldown and is used frequently above 30% health prior to the first channel of Extinction Protocol.
Advanced Target Selection
While Deconstruct is active Scyva is immune to all interrupting effects.
Buff applied to Scyva during various channel and cast abilities that makes Scyva immune to taunts.
Your feet can no longer touch the floor rendering you immobilized and hindered.
2 second cast ability that immobilizes and launches players into the air. Upheaval has a 15 second cooldown. Players can avoid being launched into the air by standing on the West side of the room with higher gravity, where players are immobilized for about one second.
Any players standing on the East side of the room that are launched into the air receive the Escape Velocity 5 second debuff.
2.1 second cast ability with a 13 second cooldown. Radiance applies a conal telegraph during its cast time that indicates its area of effect. Scyva benefits from the Advanced Target Selection buff during the channel time and is immune to interrupts or taunts.
If the Radiance conal affects any of the three target nodes (spheres) floating around Scyva, they receive the Energized debuff and turn purple. If the target node is already purple then it will explode and deal very heavy damage to the team.
Ignite Core
Deals increasing damage to random enemies. The number of targets and frequency of damage instances increases as this channel continues. If the core is successfully ignited it will deal catastrophic damage.
10.2 second channeled attack by Scyva. Ignite Core deals increasing damage to players as it channels. The ability ticks every 0.5 seconds so will tick 20 times over its cast. If the cast completes then a huge explosion will deal very heavy damage to the team.
Ignite Core can be interrupted by dealing sufficient damage to Scyva to remove the Stabilizing Field buff that makes Scyva immune to interrupts. Dealing damage will partially reflect damage to the players, so strong heals and use of defensives is recommended.
Stabilizing Field
Grants immunity to interruption while active.
Buff granted to Scyva during the Ignite Core channel that makes Scyva immune to interrupts. This buff requires significant damage dealt to remove.
Initialize Extinction Protocols
3 second channeled ability by Scyva that warns players Scyva is about to begin channeling Extinction Protocol. This warning ability is only prior to the first channel of Extinction Protocol. See below for more details on Extinction Protocol.
Scyva will initiate Extinction Protocol the later of 130 seconds (2:10 minutes) after Scyva is engaged directly by the ops team or when it reaches 30% health. Completing the Initiate Extinction Protocols cast will also heal Scyva up to 20% health if its health is below 20% at that time.
Extinction Protocol
5 second channeled ability by Scyva. Extinction Protocol ticks every 0.5 seconds and places a red circle underneath the feet of a random player. Scyva then takes 2 seconds to target the red circle with a laser beam attack. If the player is still within the red circle when it begins ticking, they will die almost immediately.
Buff added to Scyva when she begins channeling Extinction Protocol for the first time. The buff removes the limitations on Scyva's ability usage and mean that Extinction Protocol will now begin to be used more frequently and the buffs associated with Atomic Scattering will change.
Mass Synthesis
This effect causes catastrophic damage to all organic lifeforms within its toroidal area while excited and those within its interior radius at ground level upon energizing Atomic Destruction.
After Scyva channels Extinction Protocol for the first time and receives the Unlimited buff, Mass Synthesis replaces Atomic Excitation and has the same effect of generating a ring around the room that deals massive damage if you pass through it. Scyva then alternates between Mass Synthesis and Atomic Destruction on each use of Atomic Scattering.
Atomic Destruction
Causes 20% of all damage received to be reflected to the attacker as all available shielding is redirected into Extinction Protocol.
After Scyva channels Extinction Protocol for the first time and receives the Unlimited buff, Atomic Destruction replaces Atomic Compression and has a similar effect reflecting damage to players though slightly less than Atomic Compression. Scyva then alternates between Mass Synthesis and Atomic Destruction on each use of Atomic Scattering.
3 second channeled attack with no cooldown. Destroy replaces Deconstruct as Scyva's default attack mechanic after the first Extinction Protocol when Scyva receives the Unlimited buff.
Abilities / Mechanics - Player / Deflection Field Module
Activate Deflection Field
A powerful shield capable of deflecting the path of focused energy weapons. Ineffective against kinetic weapons.
Temporary ability with a 5 second cooldown that activates the Deflection Field buff on the player holding the Deflection Field Module. The buff lasts for 8 seconds so by continually refreshing the ability the buff can be kept up indefinitely.
Deflection Field Module
Grants your the ability to activate the Deflection Field used by the Omega Protocol Droid.
The Deflection Field Module is granted to the player who deals the killing blow to the Omega Protocol Droid. This module should typically be passed to the player designated to handle the Emergency Purge beams.
Transfer Deflection Module
Transfer the Deflection Field Module to an allied player.
Clicking this temporary ability will transfer the Deflection Field Module to the selected player in the ops frame.
Abilities / Mechanics - Player / Gravity Distortion Module
Gravity Distortion Module
Temporarily invert the influence of gravity for the entire raid providing a brief window of immunity to damaging events up to 2m in height. This effect increases or decreases relative to the intensity of gravity. WARNING: Multiple sources of acceleration along the vector in confined areas may result in undesired spontaneous deceleration, death.
The Gravity Distortion Module is granted to a random player. It provides the player with a temporary ability bar and the Inverse Gravity ability.
Inverse Gravity
The force of gravity has been temporarily inverted.
Temporary ability with a 10 second cooldown that applies the Inverse Gravity buff to all players. Inverse Gravity is a hidden buff that does not appear on the player's buff / debuff bar.
Inverse Gravity and its buff triggers a "knock up" effect by reversing gravity temporarily. Any players on the East side of the room upon activation, and thus not affected by Amplify Gravity, are punted up into the air and avoid damage from various abilities such as Atomic Scattering. Any players on the West side of the room upon activation, and thus ARE affected by Amplify Gravity, do not avoid damage.
Transfer Gravity Module
Transfer the Gravity Distortion Module to an allied player.
Clicking this temporary ability will transfer the Gravity Distortion Module to the selected player in the ops frame.
Abilities / Mechanics - Player
Critical Injury
Severe burns reduce healing received from all sources.
Stacking debuff applied to players by each tick of damage from Accelerated Destruction. Critical Injury lasts for 15 seconds.
In Story Mode each stack of Critical Injury reduces healing received by 2%. In Veteran or Master Mode, each stack reduces healing received by 6%.
A full channel of Accelerated Destruction will typically apply around 13 stacks, which would reduce healing received by up to 26% in Story Mode or 78% in Veteran or Master Mode.
(Sidenote - I am not quite sure how a 5.0 second channel that ticks every 0.5 seconds can add more than 11 stacks, but I have seen it happen.)
Marked Target
You have been marked for destruction by the Sterilization Array.
Debuff applied by the Sterilization Array to the player(s) being targeted. A small red line connects the Sterilization Array to the player with the Marked Target.
Magnetic Attraction
You are being pursued.
Debuff applied by the Stasis Swarm Droid when it spawns and selects a target. Each player can only receive the Magnetic Attraction debuff once at a time so can only be targeted by one droid at a time.
In Veteran or Master Mode, the team being grouped closely to the OPD is important to ensure Stasis Swarm Droids are near the OPD when they are destroyed
Stasis Field
Captured in the stasis field.
Debuff applied by the Stasis Swarm Droid when they are destroyed. Any player within melee range of the droid receives the Stasis Field debuff. The debuff lasts for 8 seconds and reduces movement speed by 50% in Story Mode and 20% in Hard or Master Mode.
Atrophic Field
Movement speed and alacrity are reduced.
Debuff applied by Stasis Swarm Droid channel attack. The channel applies 1 stack of Atrophic Field per second up to a maximum of 10 stacks. The debuff lasts for 6 seconds before it expires assuming it is not refreshed by receiving an additional stack.
Having any stacks will apply a 30% slow effect in Story Mode or 70% slow in Veteran or Master Mode. The player will take damage each time a stack is applied.
Each stack of Atrophic Field also reduces Alacrity Rating by 2% per stack in Story Mode or 10% in Veteran or Master Mode.